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Los Angeles - Can I assist or shoot for you?


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To those in the Los Angeles area - I'm looking ahead to the coming wedding / event season and would like to

request the opportunity to meet some local photographers as either an assistant or as a second shooter.



I've shot at 2 weddings so far and have been educating myself extensively on numerous forums including this one

and David Ziser's Blog. I've shot travel and culture for years, but I realize this carries little significance

in a fast paced wedding environment.


I've got an extensive range of equipment: Canon 40D with grip, 580EX II, 70-200 2.8L IS (Canon), 17-55 2.8 IS

(Canon), 11-16 2.8 (Tokina), Bogen Tripod, Bogen Lightstand, Cybersync wireless triggers, and a whole host of

flash gels, filters, etc...


I'm about to sell myself at cost for a wedding in January. Because I know that my experience is limited, I've

prepared as much as possible in the evenings for the last three months, have leveraged my current portfolio, and

have enlisted the help of a much more experienced local photographer as a side shooter to cover the day to insure

my inexperience...


That said, I'd still really like to build my portfolio, experience, and network by assisting others in the local



Would you consider me as a second shooter or assistant?


I appreciate your consideration,



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<p>Not an assist yet. We offer people the chance to tag along with us and learn, but no one hangs around for the season! They seem to think they know enough to go on their own after one or 2 weddings. None of them are in business now. We are busy most weekends so feel free in emailing me if you wish to just tag along. In fact we have 4 big events this weekend.<br>

During this time the people can come to the wedding whenever they wish and leave whenever. If we could find someone to last most of the season we would have them shooting and learning. This is about when we'd call them and pay them as a good assistant. The following year they would be shooting full-time.<br>

As a result we keep things simple and hire seasoned pros, not assistants, or second shooters. It's simply too scary for me to have to worry about quality, missed shots, and every other thing that can go wrong at a wedding.<br>

Since you have experience and know what you are doing, I'd say for you to pick up a few weddings from craigslist. Buy back up gear. Pick up a few books on posing. Visit a mess of websites. You already know more than most that simply pop in here ask a few questions and off they go on their first wedding!</p>

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