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photo restoration

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I am trying to restore a photo and can't seem to find anything other than basic photoshop techniques (levels, dust

and scratches filter, etc.). I even checked out a photoshop restoration book at the public library that isn't advanced

enough to really complete the job. I am an intermediate photoshop user and can do things with tutorials. If anyone

has any advice as to where I can find more advanced tutorials or books, please let me know.


I have a bride and groom photo that is faded with a lot of detail lost, especially in the brides white dress and bouquet.

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I assume that your are referring to prints that have faded. If you don't have the original negs or digital files then there is a limit to what you can recover from the part of the image that has faded. If the detail is not there then you can not recover it.


You seem OK with scratches, dust and tears etc. so just hitting the 'auto colour correcting' button in your photo editor is about the easiest option to getting back part faded shots.

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