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Civil War Reenactment


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The Civil War Reenactment occurs in NW Arkansas at two locations: Prairie Grove Battlefield (there is also a

museum there), and Pea Ridge battlefield. It alternates between the two locations: on even years at Prairie

Grove, odd years up near Pea Ridge.



These are few of my favorite images from the 2006 reenactment - the first with the FA* 300/2.8, the second with

the FA* 80-200/2.8:




Confederate Cavalry Troopers move into position:

<img src="http://www.marclangille.com/photos/209607633_AuUrq-L-2.jpg">


Confederate Artillery Fire:

<img src="http://www.marclangille.com/photos/207803795_n4YNo-L-2.jpg">


Other images

Union Troops Fire:

<img src="http://www.marclangille.com/photos/207774026_UKkv3-L-3.jpg">


Union Troops move forward:

<img src="http://www.marclangille.com/photos/207775846_SrQcc-L-2.jpg">


Union Captain rallies the troops:

<img src="http://www.marclangille.com/photos/214096327_THu4G-L-2.jpg">


Some of the heavier sepia is done in camera by the K10D, so I thought you might be interested in how it handles

that filter. The others in sepia are handled via CS2 or CS3. I hope you enjoy those images!

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Thank you everyone! The last shot was using the FA* 300/2.8 + Pentax-F 1.7x AF TC on a monopod.Shooting

510mm on a monopod can be interesting... I'll try to dig up the color image of the Union Captain firing and post it. I

believe this image also had a soft filter applied after the Sepia one... have to check.


BTW, the first two images garnered serious interest from the historical interpreter at the Prairie Grove Battlefield

museum. She wanted to know if I would consider donating the second image for when they obtain funds to update

their artillery documentation. She was also interested in the first, since neither image has evidence of modern

objects in the shot.


Of course I said yes... not too often one's photo makes it into a museum, even if it's not the Smithsonian... 8-)

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Absolutely fabulous shots, Marc!! Getting the timing right for the firing of those guns is amazing.


Any reinactment shots I managed to get are from some years back on film, and I wish they were as good as yours!


But I am a regular at Gettysburg, since I visit friends near there a couple of times per year. I always enjoy doing some photography when I go. Here is one photo I happen to have scanned of a house near the edge of town. During the battle, Confederate forces under General Lee occupied the town, and Union forces were forced to withdraw. But they established a particularly well situated position just outside of town. The side of this house faced part of that position, and was used by confederate snipers to effectively fire on Union troops from the upstairs window. Once the source of this sniper fire was discovered, Union troops returned fire, killing the sniper, and others that took his place as well.


After the battle, Union forces, of course, re-occupied Gettysburg, and the side of the house was left marked by the effects of many bullets from the Union troops' return fire. As you might guess, partially from the fact color photography did not yet exist at the time, my photo was indeed taken after the battle, and wouldn't you know, just as I was taking the shot, two Union soldiers emerged from the house!! If you look closely you will see the many bullet holes left in the house as an aftermath from that encounter.<div>00Rd5Y-92809584.jpg.58d52b67d26ddfb323102537b3e1c1a7.jpg</div>

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I love this kind of stuff, and live right here in the heart of it at Richmond, Va. I don't shoot nearly enough of it. I love Marc's sepia work. Any of this could be made to look more period, but then you'd miss these colors. This is a New Jersey group heading off to fight Confederates at Cold Harbor, Virginia.



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