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Problem with my radiotriggers


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I bought some radio triggers on eBay a few weeks ago. When I first tried them they worked perfectly with my two

speedlite flashes, but since then I@ve had some problems with them. One of my recievers are not recieving the

signal, while the other one is going nuts and is trigging as soon as the flash is recycled.


I have tried to change my batteries several times, so batteries are not the problem.


(I am talking about these triggers:)




Now I´ve given up on these triggers and have decided to buy something which will actually work, hehe. So I just

have a few questions.


My friend have almost the same triggers, but he has the 32-channel version. His triggers are working perfectly.

Do any of you have experience with these?


I am also looking at the pocket wizard (which I was originally supposed to buy, though it became too expensive

for me at the time). I know that these are probably the most reliable triggers on the marked, but are there any

other options which is a bit cheaper and still reliable?


I would really appreciate some opinions here. I will mostly use my triggers outdoors.



Best Regards,


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I just bought Cybersyncs and they work great.


I was using some cheap ebay triggers that happened to work well. They are at least 3 years or more old and have worked fine up til recently. I found that besides having fresh batteries (I used rechargeable NiMH ones to keep them charged), you should be sure the channel switches are fully engaged, and follow the directions about keeping them 5 feet or more apart. Also, change the channels to find the best one(s). However, with more and more radio signals in the air these days, I did give up on them.


I think the ones you show from yet another ebay seller are more of the same, cheaply made ones. I'd get the Cybersyncs or Skyports if you just can't bring yourself to get Pocket Wizards.

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I love Paul Buff products. But still I cannot justify using anything but PW. The PW cost exactly twice as much. But look at it this way. It's another $180 for a pair of PW vs a pair of Cybersyc xsvrs. Spread that out over the thousands of pictures you'll take. In the end this price difference equates to basically nothing. One lost shot sold could make up the price of $180. Get the pocket wizards. They work. They have features you may not need today but may need in the future. They are the gold standard and are built into many products like light meters and power packs.
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There is a reason that 99% of everyone who makes a living with photography uses Pocketwizards.


Reading this thread reminds me that the supposed "savings" gained by trying other radio flash triggers is lost many times over when photographs are lost and reputations with clients are destroyed. In the final analysis, the Pocketwizards are the best bargain.

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