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Beginner question about films


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Welcome to medium format Eric.




A quick answer to your question is: try a light table - medium format

trannies are large enough to see without a loupe (although you will

need one to assess a slide critically). Slide projectors do exist -

most commonly for the 6x6 format, although you can get larger format

ones (Mamiya market a 6x7 projector for instance). I haven't used one





You might want to read the thread <a


Is it worthwhile to buy a medium format projector?</a> which expands

on this subject.

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May I repeat Andrew's welcome to the wonderful world of medium format,

which has a lot to offer you that 35mm doesn't. I'm not sure what you

mean by "revise" the slides, but assuming you mean look at them,

review them, then yes, there are a large number of lightboxes and

light panels available that are suitable for either 35mm or MF. Also

there are MF projectors available, as Andrew notes, mostly for 6x6,

but also (the Mamiya Cabin) for 6x7. Unfortunately MF projectors are

pretty expensive. A good place for you to start is to get B&H to send

you their BIG catalog, "The Professional Photo Sourcebook," which has

all the MF cameras and lenses, plus details and prices on the

lightboxes, loupes, and projectors. One thing to note if you are new

to MF is that you won't get your transparencies back from the

processing lab individually mounted, as you are used to with 35mm

transparencies. Instead, you will simply get the processed

filmstrips. If you want certain images mounted, you do this yourself

(it's not hard). Mamiya Cabin makes a rather interesting MF projector

which offers a filmstrip carrier for unmounted transparencies. (This

projector is around $1,200-$1,300.) There are some very good MF

loupes available for examining your transparencies. All this stuff is

described in the B&H "big book."

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There is one other way that allows you to project your trannies without having to purchase a MF projector, and that's to mount them on a super slide. Super slides are made with the same outer dimensions as a 35mm slide, but the image area inside is cut out to much bigger dimensions. Hasselblad makes backs for superslides for their cameras but I don't know if the other manufacturers do for their cameras.




Hope this helps!


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