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Ektar 100 - Beautiful Stuff

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A beautiful film indeed, but it scans with color casts on my Minolta 5400 scanner. However, when scanned by

Target, the colors look much better. I bet they are hooked into Kodaks Film Term software upgrades that have color

profiles for negative films.


Below are some sample scans. Skin tones look good (suprisingly, for a landscape type film), resolution is very high,

and grain non-existant. All in all, a fantastic film.

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Great pictures! I really like the picture of the mill and the kid in the car. Even on an overcast day, the colors still look nice.


I just shot a roll of Ektar and dropped it off to get developed. I'm picking up my pictures tomorrow :)


My scanner sucks, and I don't have a film scanner. But if I get any particularly interesting pictures, I'll try to scan and post them. From all the pictures I've seen people post on Photo.net lately, I have really high hopes...well, assuming I exposed it right.

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