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He's done it again...


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<p>Awesome set of shots and everyone should visit the following links to get the background on the 2 flights.<br>



<p>Great stuff and that camera can take the cold no problem.</p><div>00Rmqx-97353584.jpg.39bd98c6f75cb54cc43f6984eac3793e.jpg</div>

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<p>Great shots, and the -60F temps, and 22mph crash landing are a real testament to the build of a $500 camera!!! <br /> <br /> I hope the Nikon people on the weather sealing thread don't read about this, they are still trying to figure out if they can shoot in the rain or not with $1500-4000 cameras, and spreading misinformation about the quality of Pentax (and olympus) sealing!</p>
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<p>Thanks all. Yes that same k10d has been on 3 flights now. ASTRO-9 and ASTRO-12 went to the edge of space and back again. ASTRO-10 suffered a cut-down malfunction and the flight ended prematurely. The payloads hit a paved surface hard, and the camera lens (Pentax 14mm) took a direct hit and broke. The k10d it was attached to survived just fine, and is the same one that took the pictures on ASTRO-12.</p>
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<p>Thanks Somanna. We didn't fly the k10d on ASTRO-11. On that mission, we flew satellites made by freshmen in aerospace engineering. The satellites they built took atmospheric temperature and pressure data, as well as some low-quality pictures. They used a cheap $20 digital camera and made an electronic heater for them so they would keep working.</p>
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