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Custom Picture Control


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I have tried everything I can think of to load a Velvia custom picture control on my D300 and every time I get a

message that says no custom picture controls on card. I have put the .ncp files in a Nikon folder and have tried

them on their own in the root menu. I've tried load them on the card from my computer then putting the card in my

camera, I've tried plugging my camera straight into the computer.

I'm not sure what else to try

This is the sight I got the files from.



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okay I apologize for this lazy answer but I don't have much time at the moment to research or refresh my memory on the details.... but I recall I had the same problem and for what it's worth my solution came from the discovery that the Velvia was an OPTIONAL picture control not a CUSTOM picture control or something like that. So it wasn't supposed to have the .ncp finlename, it was .nop or something like that. Then the camera was able to see it on the card. I may have just renamed the file, but if you google around for something like picture controls nop vs ncp or along those lines you'll find the correct answer- I think the thread I found that helped me solve this was a flickr forum thread.
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