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Buying a 2nd hand 40D, please HELP!


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After searching a lot in forums, decided to go with Canon, but with 40D. Got a good 2nd hand camera offer from ebay. But, with a twist.

As per the seller, the camera was used as backup for his 1DsMKIII and just used for 3500 clicks, few months old.

First the camera is without bill, it seems he has bought it somewhere else, but not in homeland. He has no original box, as he lost it.

He has removed the serial number below the camera, for the ease of travelling abroad(?). Apart from this, the camera looks good, without

any scratches..

I will be travelling to Canada coming Feb, so planning to buy it. Will you suggest me to buy it or not? Please advise.<div>00RSJJ-87441584.JPG.af35a2188fb988a283c86ee53934a670.JPG</div>

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The original serial number (body serial) should appear in EXIF data with each photo (I use DPP to examine this). Get him to send your a photo and examine this data. You can then see if it appears on a stolen list.


Otherwise if he refuses you know it is stolen.<div>00RSKo-87449584.jpg.5bbb0462c7fa5ffe0887649d42ffdf07.jpg</div>

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I'm not sure what it means in your part of the world, but in the USA, a scratched-off serial number is a sure sign of stolen equipment. Excluding the fact that I don't know what your currency exchange rate is, the list price equals to apx. $729 USD, which IMO is not a good deal for a used (albeit, supposedly new) 40D on ebay. Check more reputable e-tailers first. You can get a brand new one on B&H for $873.95 or a "refurbished by Canon" on Adorama for $807.64
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All above are on point. There is no legitimate reason reason to remove the serial number from a camera (or anything else).

Stating that this is for ease of travel is nonsense. An obliterated serial number is a red-flag for any customs or law enforcement agent. Forget this and look at a reputable seller like B&H or Adorama. Both have great prices on used and

new bodies.

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How do you lose a box?


1) When your moving and you just don't want to move yet more empty boxes

2) Your wife complains that you have too many empty boxes and she throws it away for you (without accepting or asking you input in the decision).

3) You have a box of boxes and accidentally throw away the box without really looking at what's inside


All three have happened to me, I nolonger have my 1V box, nor my 70-200 and I had to sell my 28-70 and 17-35 w/out boxes. But otherwise, most photographers keep all their boxes (I even have boxes for the small stuff, like focus screen's, filters, etc...)

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Just how would removing a serial number ease travelling abroad? Actually its more likely in the event a customs officer checking it he or she becomes suspicious. Not a deal I can recommend. Ebay is rapidly getting to that stage stolen goods and fraud, the very reason I closed my account after six years dealing.
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"How do you lose a box?"


Oh come on, only anal retentive types actually save their friggen box and related packaging. Most of us toss it after the return

period. Who wants a room full of old product boxes?


But, yeah, a scratched off SS is highly suspect. With that said, some Canon DSLRs shipped with a SS sticker and those

wear off after a few months of use.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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My point was not that there was not box. I understand how to throw a box away. How do you loose a camera box? It is kind of large to misplace! The serial number issue alone is a deal breaker for me There is no doubt this camera is HOT. Everything else is just more fuel on the fire!


So, has anyone really LOST a camera box besides this seller (as opposed to knowingly throwing it away)?


Besides, February is a long time away. There will many 40D legitimate 'bargains' you should be able to get your hands on between now and then that may not require a long trip to pick it up (UPS/FEDx can really make life easier for you).

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Hi everyone,

Thank you very much for your responses and guiding me for this purchase. I decided not to go for it. For the same amount which I am ready to pay for 40D, I can get a brand new 450D. But, somehow I dont like the feel of 450D in my hands and ergonomics are not good. I live in India, where a brand new 40D with 18-55 kit costs around $1150 (equivalent), feeling bit expensive for its kit lens and 'body only' deal is very difficult to find.


Colin, thanks for your deal. If you are ready to send to India, let me know :-)


One more time, thank you very much!




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I have purchased many items off ebay and never had a problem. I see you have decided to pass on the "deal."


As others have said, there is no legitimate reason to remove a serial number from a camera. Doing so, IMHO, would only make travel easier if the camera had been reported stolen. That said, only you can decide if you are comfortable buying something you suspect is stolen.

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