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volunteer work as photographer

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hi there....


I am curious, did anyone work volunteer as photographer either in studio or events like a wedding?!

I know that my question will seem maybe strange, but I will try to explain....I am croatian citizen just moved in

England...I still do not have working visa, but I was thinking to volunteer in some of the studios or anything

like that to get at least some experience....what do you think about that...as a photographer, would you "hire"

someone like me for free in your studio?!




and I am very nice:)))

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I had a look at your portfolio. My guess is that you need to work for yourself.


It would probably be a real back-breaker to hire a good looking woman to hang out at the studio, if you know what I

mean. But, as a photographer, I don't know if you'd gain anything you couldn't figure out yourself with some research and

experimentation. Really, the only big problems you would have in making that work would be finding some clients or

customers and deciding what you are going to build to satisfy their expectations. This is actually one of the harder

problems to solve.


Then, if you're an immigrant to the UK, there's probably some kind of way to say to the people who run the country,

Okay, I'm ready to be productive here, what rules do I need to follow in business? They'll probably tell you, and be glad

to have you contributing to their local economies.


I recommend you build some prints, and then charge someone to buy them. I wouldn't work for free. Low wages or little

return, maybe, but not free. Even as a student, I received a small stipend or part-time pay for my activities. You can,

too. Why not? Your pictures are as good as anyone else's.


I couldn't hire you myself, though. Not only can I not afford it right now, I am not in the UK. Good luck anyway. Sell

your photos, and ditch the middleman. J.

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There is nothing wrong with working for someone for no pay, if you are learning from the experience. Some photographers,

like anyone else, may be too busy or don't want to be a teacher, and may turn you down. But you will find some nice

photographers who might like or even need some extra help - especially for free! Good luck. Remember - choose someone

you can learn from.



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I accept volunteers to work in my studio at an art museum. Volunteers do organizing, data entry, filing, labeling etc. That said I allow any volunteer that is interested, into the studio or digital lab to ask questions and learn. It's up to them. If they work hard and are truly motivated, I will take an interest in them and give them the benefit of my time. It's a symbiotic relationship, we get the administrative work done, the young folks get exposure to high end digital photography work, in a stae of the art digital studio, shooting the most beautiful objects in the world. It's a fair trade.
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