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Bridge won't respond to some of my CR2 files

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I have recently started using Bridge to edit most of my CR2 files, but sometimes there I have files that Bridge

will not rotate or open in Camera Raw while it will open other CR2 files within the same folder even. I have

checked the files to make sure they are not read-only and they were not. If I go up to the Edit menu while the

file is selected the rotation options are grayed out.

What am I missing? I do not have enough experience with Bridge to know if there is something I did wrong or not.

Would be open to suggestions.


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As above. But the problem is the latest ACR which might be required for your camera is not compatable with CS2 which is 2 generations old.


Buy an update to CS2 to CS4 or convert to DNG format. You can get the DNG converter free from Adobe. Transfer the files back to the camera card if you need to do so.


Buy PS Elements and it will take the latest ACR.

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I am using CS3 and I have been able to rotate and open other raw files without opening PS that were taken with the same camera (Rebel XT) only a week ago. There just seem to be a few files within the last couple of days that to open in Camera Raw I actually have open them in PS instead of just adjusting them within Bridge as I have been doing lately.
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I've had problems with bridge not displaying thumbnails of the latest files added to a folder if something "confused" it. I *think* it was adding images to the folder (say through Windows Explorer) while also viewing that folder within Bridge. I think, not 100% sure. And equal unsure, but something you might try: navigate to the problem folder in Bridge and then do pulldown:


Tools|Cache|Rebuild Cache for...

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  • 4 months later...

<p>I came across this thread while searching for the answer to the identical problem. <br>

I'm using CS3 at the moment and the .CR2 files are shot with a Canon 40D.<br>

In a series of .CR2 files, all shot on the same day / same card / same camera, Bridge will display some files with no problem. Others won't allow anything but a low-res view. <br>

The magnifying glass tool never snaps from low res to hi-res. You can't rotate a file, and "Open With" doesnt show ACR as an option.<br>

Mendel's answer above pointed me in the right direction - what worked for me was Tools > Cache > Purge Cache for folder...<br>

I suspect there's a setting somewhere that involves cache size or behavior. If I find it, I'll post that here.<br>

I hope that's useful to somebody!</p>

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