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How is my website?

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Hello Friends,

I have just launched my website, and would like to get a feedback from photographers like you. Does my website

appear to average users? Any suggestion is welcomed before announcing and advertising the site. As always I

really appreciate your inputs.


Here is the site - www.leeyuphotography.com


Thank you.

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It's clean and easy to navigate... I noticed 1 typo... and under the about "Weddings" your statement says "give

us a chance".... that doesn't sound right to me...sorta like begging... I am also not a fan of music...to much of

a distraction and will ad to the load time for someone with a slow connection....


Otherwise nice job....I just launched mine after almost a year of working on it.... take a look if you like...


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Ken - I really like your website a lot, especially your logo. How did you came up to this unique name and logo? Also it is nice you put the award section out there. I like the pictures a lot. By the way, is the 3 girls portrait 'photoshoped'? I love the light and the expression on the girl in the middle. Nice work.
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@ Eyob -- Well the name came from a Bear hunting experience... I got face to face with a black bear while archery...the logo was a lot of trial and error and my father is a web/graphic designer... The 3 girls "Vogue" as been shopped a bit... that came out of a series taken... I actually merged 3 exposures and a bit of tweaking.


Thanks for the compliments...its always nice to hear somebody else likes what you do.


All the Best........Ken

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I am not a publisher, so I will tell you WHAT I LIKED or I did not like.


- I liked the opening logo and home page. Portraits look very nice, I DO LIKED the music... it gives a fresh welcome

sensation to your site....


- I do not know if it is part of your "concept" but I do not like how the seem-less /back-drop looks. THe wrinkles and the

folding marks are distracting. I know that some times is difficult to keep the seem-less completely smooth, but

depending on the size of your studio, you could move the models away then with low depth of field you will eliminate the



- THe models look very nice... lighting looks fine for me... portraits look sharp...


- The site moves pretty fast... even though in flash


- If I were your client, I would like to "SEE YOU", who you are, where you are from, what is your gadget... I think this

helps to "hook" clients because make "personal contact" with you and your art... you would not be a website... you

would be a PERSON..


I hope this helps







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Very easy to navigate, simple, I like it.


There are some things I'd do differently, however. I don't care for music on websites at all. 95% of the time I don't care for the music selection, and sorry, but yours was no exception. Another thing is a lot of times I'm watching TV or have other music on while I'm on the computer, so when more music is added to that, it's annoying.


I don't really care for the black background, to me it looks stark, but that's just my personal preference.


Otherwise, I think it's fine.

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Thank you all. These are the things I am really looking for. Constructive criticism! That is how we can grow as professional photographers.


I will consider all suggestions and implement as soon as possible. My wife is about to give birth to our first child and could not get any time to do anything.


Again, thank you very very much.

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