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For Kids Sake....Pentax And Kids Images...


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Child photography is not something i'm going to pursue very much.Its very challenging and the attention span is

very short....


I made this thread for Pentax images of kids....Be it with a point an shoot or a SLR....


Please when posting a image be as gear specific as possible....So people viewing the thread can get a idea of the

gear thats creating the image...Pentax is as good of equipment as anything else...People can buy pentax,save a lot

of money over buying Nikon or Canon and have just as good of images...


Image i'm posting....I had a booth at a farmers market when this mom walked by with her daughter an i saw this

shot in my head...I offered to shoot some images of her daughter,after seeing a bit of my work the mom was sold on

the idea and this is one shot i came up with...The girl was looking at her mom....The bus was owned by one of the



I thought the outfit she had on was just too cute......Anyway...Post some kids images you shot with Pentax


This image shot with the Pentax *ist DL...Lens 18-55<div>00RN3L-84919784.jpg.8997b049ea021222457edf19bb0267dd.jpg</div>

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I've been taking a lot more kid pictures recently; might have something to do with the fact I have one, now!


This pic was taken in August, using natural light (I tried to avoid the flash before the baby was at least one

month old), trying to make good use of the pinstriped kimono a friend from Japan had just given him. I used what

I consider my n°1 kit: Pentax MX with the SMC Pentax-M 50mm f:1.4, on Ilford HP5+ film - my basic B&W film those

days: I got tired of Acros 100 after a few rolls.


(and, Erik... you should take it easy, man! It's not as if we were on a mission or something...)<div>00RN9i-84979784.JPG.174a8926aff402bcfb6de446fc9b3f16.JPG</div>

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@Everyone....Hey no worries guys i was not upset...Remember when you read something its tough to know the emotion it was said with...i put please in all capitol letters to stress the politeness....Please is usually something you say when your trying to be polite.... =)


I wanted people to look in this thread and see not just pictures of kids but what we are taking them with...So someone sees a picture they like an they are like wow so an so got that with a K100D..Man thats a great shot and be more confident if they are thinking about getting one....Something like that...


Dave is that at 2.8?....


Image i am posting....Jordans lil sister Gabi ahot with a *ist DL on a tripod no flash,available light,18 to 55 lens at 5.6 ...You dont use a flash when your shooting a sleeping child and risk waking them or startling them....<div>00RNan-85169584.jpg.e007f751eb3edb3c5be8d0a4264ad124.jpg</div>

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Erik, you have some really nice photos.. but what are you doing in the post processing? I think Rose said it best in one of the earlier posts.. they look radioactive! Look at the area around her cheeks and eye.. Maybe your monitor is way off..
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Haig....The red from the blanket was casting a redish hue to her skin,I'm not sure if thats what your refering to...I have to look at this file i think very little was done to it other then lighting it up...It is though one of my earlier images and i now know how i'd fix that redish cast....


I'll pull the file,re-edit it and post it...See how i do as my editng has changed so much..i am still very new to Elements......

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Erik: I've stopped using Photoshop Elements altogether; now using The Gimp. It's free, and pretty useful for the kind of editing I use - basically color balance, contrast adjustment, and sometimes a little cropping and cloning out dust specks.


There are some strange color effects on this pic, but I'm guessing that can happen when shooting in low light. Did you use some kind of automatic white balance when taking the pic? Also, what kind of light source did you have? Fluorescent tubes sometimes yield unexpected results.

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@Christophe....No lighting other then a light coming from the kitchen to the left of the image...Now i have to go and dig through all my files and repost that image in this thread an by the time i do all that no one will be watching this thread any more lol.....


@Nick..Right on man...Love the second to the last shop...IThanks for including the specs...Whats an Adapt all????


I'll post up another of Jordans lil sister Gabi.....Then its time to crank up the Nickelback and do some editing till about 1 am.....Then up early and to the frame shop as a customer of mine who bought 9 images wants them all framed at the same time and wants me to take point on that....<div>00ROJI-85445584.jpg.f427029c1409a3576d463e9ffe6bc369.jpg</div>

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Hi Erik - The Adaptall lenses were made by Tamron to fit almost any lens mount with an adapter. So you can use the same lens with a Canon or Nikon body if you have the mount. Those shots were with a 24mm adaptal lens, and a 90mm one. There is a decent write-up on them at www.adaptall-2.com


Very cute shot of Gabi. Good luck framing.

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Nick...That hat shers wearing,she had it on her foot and was bouncing it....I had to convince her to put the hat on her head...Dealing with a 5yr old lol....


The shot does not look tac sharp....


Speaking of sharp..Whats a "soft focus"? I have heard that term...

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