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EF 70-200/4 IS L vs. EF 80-200/2.8 L


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I had planned on getting an EF 70-200/4 IS L, but have an opportunity to pick up an older EF 80-200/2.8 L instead. I

was wondering whether anyone with experience with both of these lenses could comment on their relative merits with

respect to resolution, sharpness, overall IQ, etc.


I'll be using the zoom outdoors, and most often handheld, on my

EOS-1V and EOS-3

bodies, and eventually on an EOS 5D Mark II as well. I already have an EF 100-400/4.5-5.6 IS L, so I won't be

needing to use extenders with the shorter zoom. (I realize

that the 80-200 isn't compatible with extenders, anyway).

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I've the 80-200mm for my 5D: great IQ, nice bokeh and, at least for me, very satisfactory AF speed.


I also read a lot of complaints about its focusing noise (IS is noisier) but, once again, no big deal - I've

already used it

inside lots of churches and never got a complaint.


IMHO, only problems: no IS, heavier than the 70-200mm f4 and risk of spare parts unavailability as Rainer wrote.


Nice price for a near mint condition: something like $500 or 450€.


Good luck with your choice,



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I use 1Vs and 3s and have the EOS 70-200 F2.8 (non-IS) which i use mainly for sports and sometimes portraits etc... Indoor with a film camera I could not get away with the F4 lens as even with 400ISO film I struggle to freeze action in kids ice hockey (The lighting is often poor!) Outdoor s either lens will work well - i shoot ski racing so the F2.8 Lens is important to me as the 1V and 3 both have faster IF with this lens. As well as the 70-200 F4 you should be able to get the 70-200 F2.8 non IS for a similar price. I just checked Adoram has the F4 Is for $1025 and the F2.8 non IS for $1110. I do not miss the IS on my lens and tests seem to indicate that the non IS F4 and F2.8 are slightly better optically (probably not a big real world difference).
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