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Question to the mods....


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That's pretty sad Erik - I hope you just forwarded it off to Josh Root so he could remove the person permanently.


And some do post for bragging rights, some even post just to piss on you out of jealousy - it truly takes all



The ultimate answer to yoru question I *think* is this.. Follow the site rules and you will have zero problems.

However, following the site rules may or may not be popular within a certain group. As I'm guessing you're

starting to sense..

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Tom...What is posting for bragging rights?....I understand posting in pride of an image or being insanely excited about a image...I shot a set with Jordan the light was so cool she was hitting great looks i was so excited i had composed them for black an white images....Got home...Looked at them on the monitor...Every freakin one blurred....I nearly pushed my monitor off my desk....Thats just me being random,sorry...


So whats bragging rights?Posting for bragging rights,how do you mean that?....Piss on you...What do you mean by that?

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Erik, don't judge what you THINK everyone wants. everyone is welcome (most especially those who shoot Pentax) (unless they outstay their welcome - which I don't know if that's ever happened before - I'd like to think not.)


I will speak for myself in this (because I am not a moderator, and actually only can reflect on what I've seen posted here in the past year)- I believe that every posting on the forum should have a reason. It's ok to brag about a new peice of glass, or a skill, but sometimes the skill peices I've seen moved to other forums ... (like that one on lighting, and the other on tripods posted a few months ago) - but, I believe that just because the photographer likes his work, doesn't mean it can't usually be improved on. A discussion of equipment here is top priority. Technique, secondary. And Critiques and brag-rights - come in as a far third. As was mentioned earlier in the posting - there are plenty of other equipment forums that restrict image posting almost completely. We've been really lucky that our Moderators, Doug and Josh - like us enough to want to share in some of our experiences & labors.


Doug? - Does our forum have a 'mission' statement?


As to the question regarding the 'out of focus' criticism - If I remember correctly, that referred back to the Cindy? picture.

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Ask Rose about the bragging rights thing - she brought it up, though I've seen over the last two years some folks treat posts as if the person was posting for bragging rights, but, I guess that was the responders perception of the post.


As far as pissing on you out of jealousy, well, some folks have all the luck and not everyone can handle that and it shows in their responses to the lucky individual ;)

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Erik, I'm sorry you took my statement about the jungle as a death threat. It was in no way such a thing but a tribute to your survival skills as a photographer in spite of all that is said. Your pictures are quite good and they speak for themselves not your rants about the orther "idiots" Craig
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posting pictures for bragging rights - refers to threads like our "Picture of the week" - We get out there, we take some great photos, and we want to share our best. It's not always a discussion of which lens we used when we do so - but, just that we took that photo - with the hope that others' will agree that it's just as cool as you think it is.


That's bragging rights. Sometimes such pictures will derive positive comments. Other times - our brothers/sisters will notice what could have been improved - they may mention a better way to post process, or how a different DoF would have fixed a think focal line, Or maybe a desire to see it with a different 'color' (in sepia, or BW... ) These criticisms aren't bad, they help us see our work in a different light and improve our way of viewing a scene to making an improved end-result. They may not always be the 'right' advice - but, these suggestions take effort out of our pentax friends - and deserve thought.

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Hey - this is a Pentax forum devoted to Pentax cameras and equipment and what they are capable of..


Pentax has been the underdog these days of digital SLR photography, and, as we have come to find, it's a false fact. They

are indeed innovators and produce properly priced equipment that produce professional results and as such, I feel it is

necessary to include an image taken with my Pentax K10D / DA 16-45 combo... I think the image properly reflects this

thread :) :) :)

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Erik - I honestly don't have any issue with anyone posting nudes here (that's not why I come here tho). I tend to

agree with your statements. For those that worry about getting trouble for having nudes pop up on your screen at


should you be surfing this website at work anyways? I know if I was at work, surfing photo.net and my boss came

by... I expect some sort of trouble. Photo.net has absolutely nothing to do with my job.

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Patrick - more Pentax nudes = more images for users considering Pentax gear.. And a better cross-section to boot!


This forum might have snuck itself into some anti-everything-forum-exclusivity-nonsense, but, exclusivity has NO

PRIVILEGES! And, it's shameful to do in the first place.


I'm very sorry to the abusers of their work-net, the fathers that send their children here, the over-weight slobs that are

either offended by healthy and fit woman and men, those who think that they can reign religion over freedom or those

who are afraid of their human bodies being represented in photos. But, the fact is, you ALL need to respect each other.

Like it or not...


It says so right in the TOS photo.net :)

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I'm going to regret jumping in here, but its not the first time I've been called a fool...lol


Erik - I have found the folks in the Pentax forums to be wonderfully kind and nice people. They are helpful and offer the great advice, criticisms and tips on everything from lens purchases, repairs and tricks to get that shot "perfect". While they may not be the owners or moderators of the forum, they are the community that makes the Pentax forums infinitely better than other photo forums on the net. So my advice, be kind to the animals that live at the zoo.


What does that mean? Javier, Rose, Haig, Tom and the others are the people that you want to learn from so why not skip posting the nudes so you don't get people who frequent the forums in trouble at work? Its not a matter of being wrong, right or having the power to do so, but a matter of courtesy and doing a little extra for people in this great forum of ours. And yes, I know you said you wouldn't post them. Me, personally, I love fine art nudes and would love to shoot some one day. But I also have kids who can't use my macbook or view flickr cause my flickr friends nudes pop right up on my contacts list.


I'm sure that if you posted them in an appropriately captioned post with a link and asked for critique many folks would come out and comment. I think I'm a horrid picture taker who shoots 300 shots to get 10 good ones. The folks in this forum have made me a better photographer and expanded my love for the pentax line.


Patrick - any job where I can't look at some nude boobies while I'm supposed to be working is not a job I want to keep...lol. For the love of all things photographic please someone get me fired stat! lol.

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Hi All.


I haven't read all your responses, but I'll chime in from what I have read. Photo.net does offer an opportunity to post nudes so I would say that we should keep the content in here 'nude-free'. I appreciate that our group are serious shooters and are they not posting porn, but we do get persons from a variety of different cultures and sensitivities not to mention kids in here too. Personally, I want them to be as comfortable in our site as the rest of everyone else. Further, there are those who might pull up a Pentax thread on a break at work and get fired over it. Just to note an employee at my wife's company was fired for a similar an infraction; it wasn't for viewing porn, but rather another employee saw the subject list of emails he had relating to a nude image site got him fired. I kid you not.


So, no mission statement (sorry, I have to come up for one for my department at the University, isn't that enough?) but IMHO I think we should keep things even keeled in here.


I will post this question at the moderators forum, but my gut feeling is that we should sequester those images in the nude forum for those very reasons.


Back to grading.


Could someone please turn out the light before you leave?



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Wow....I'll answer all of these in a bit...My minds going in 6 differant directions right now and apparently i have a shoot tomorrow with a dancer i met at the ummm "club" ...I went there looking for a subject to shoot...Dancers make good subjects as they are very comfortable with their bodies...


I'll answer a lot of the post above...I just have a lot going through my head right now an another question...I might actually make another thread which i cant figure out why people get upset by that....They are like WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY MAKING SO MANY THREADS WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS A FORUM OR SOMETHING!!???


Tom....Above..Images....WOW....(your input to the gear thread i'm going to make would be appritaited)

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Well, I'm glad this subject came up. Nudes have been a substantial part of photography, both of the female and male form, that goes back to its very origins. In fact, it carries forth from antiquity, the ancient tradition of such in art depictions. And that even includes erotica as well. These forums are and should be not only about equipment, but also about technique in using the equipment and the effects that are achieved.


That said, I see nothing problematical about making a link for a gallery. Only that I don't know how to do it myself. But come on, we are supposed to be adults. Some helping others on their way to reaching adulthood. And what if I state an opinion, as I now am, that would get someone in trouble if they had it up to read on their computer in the church Sunday school office where they work?


The attitudes reflected here are another example of the oppressively censored nature of our society. "The Land of the Free" is probably the most censor-ridden country in the developed Western world. Judging by the comments, I am sure many here would be shocked to see what is sometimes displayed on broadcast TV abroad. And not only are topless beaches common, but bottlomless as well. The fine-looking ladies so well posed and shot in Erik's post of 10-26 were not even nude! I didn't think a thing of it except to admire them. A couple were swimsuit shots, but still similar to what can readily be seen on store shelves. Just walk by greeting cards and calendars. But so what if they were? Alisa took some very good well-posed shots of her grown bare-chested son, who is good looking, and makes a good model and no one said anything about that, nor would I expect that to happen.


I agree with Patrick and Tom. I do not consider the human form "immoral", nor even erotica "trashy", but part of human nature, and not a bad part. I have done nudes, and would do so again. I would do erotica as well without a negative thought. Yes, the more that is shot with Pentax, all the better!

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I have no problem, the issue would be work though. the other day i was reading american photo at work and there are many semi nudes in it. i was a little worried someone would get the idea I brought a hustler to work or something.


So I'dthink if it could be properly labeled in the title, and/or linked to rather than inline we'd all be golden.

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K....I'm going to respond to all of this with the warning that i am drinking,listing to Hole "Celebrity Skin" cd and really anxious to get to editing some images.....It will though probably take me over a hour to type this all up...Yes i'm that slow of a typer....But Justin...If the thread was labeled in a way to warn people like Artistic Nudes Ahead lol...They could be inline....I mean come on...The mouse does not click itself...The USER has to click on it...Its like the TV changer..If you dont like whats on TV IE. the Jerry Springer show...DONT WATCH IT.....


Seriously people...No one forces anyone to click on any of my threads and read them and see Jordans as one person put it "scantely clad images"......THAT is done solely be themselves.....THEY click them.....And if your boss is 10 feet away....Its then my fault if you get into trouble..i dont get that....Espcially if i mark the thread....In all fairness i do post in others threads though.....How long does this hold out...What if other glamour shoters show up here...Are they treated the same?....What if mods restrict picture posting cause of this thread...THAT would most likely kill this part of the forum...The more a forum is restricted and less interactive the less volume it gets..It would only hurt the forum....


No input from the mods yet....Which to a point is good they are letting us talk and not interfeiring too much...I was on a forum where every time i turned around a thread was getting locked....Rarely was it because of personal attacks....Some times a good controled argument is good for thought....


I have to go start my long response to so many post......Ack....First getting another beer... =P and MORE LOUD MUSIC.....Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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