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B&W from digital

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it depends on how much post processing you intend to do as well as the capabilities of your camera...in ps cs3 for instance

you have several choices, some instantaneous and others that take some time and thought...my camera, a Canon 5D,

allows me to simulate various filters and strengths when taking an image...i would imagine some users find this to be an

advantage but for better control i prefer to take images in color and process them 1 at a time using a variety of methods in

CS3...if you're taking 100 or more pictures at a time and want bw you may want to consider your camera options as

opposed to an action for all 100+...if you want greater control i would strongly consider your editing programs...that's of

course, if you have the time...

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Actually with all DSLRS you are shooting in color (Other than a few obscure exceptions, they all have bayer filters).


You choice is to convert to B&W in the camera's software or in you computer's software.


If you want the best quality,shoot RAW and convert in CS3 using new B+W tool.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Whatever. Shoot in raw, and set your camera on BW. Your picture will be displayed in BW on your camera LCD, but you will be able to go back to the color version in your processing software and use the huge pottential of color images.
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