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So i upgraded to CS4 today and threw in the LR2 to get the discount. I've heard many great things about LR2 and

thought what the heck. For the initial wedding selections, i've been a long term user of Adobe Bridge which has been

a great tool for quick review and being able to select the keepers by either star rating them or color coding them.

The new upgraded bridge loads even faster which in some cases is worth the upgrade itself.


I've been tinkering around with LR and have got the control window layout to where i like it. My questions are:


1) Do most of you guys use this program just for your exposure editing or do you also use it for your selection



2) If you use it for your selection process, how in the world do you select your keepers at a fast pace? I see that you

can right-click and then select but is there a way to bring up a pallett where you can simply click the star of choice?

If so, i can't seem to find it.


3) I assume that the corrections are embedded in a side car (like ACR) such that when i go to do the batch process

(image processor), the adjustments are made to your completed files and the origional files are able to be reset to

origional. Is this correct?


For those of you who have used both (Bridge and LR2) what have you found to be the advantages and disadvantages

of both?


Thanks, i look forward to seeing the responses.

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I use it for both sorting and editing.


I rate images from 1-5 (using the number keys). I also do this in slideshow mode. When I get impatient I use the right arrow key to move the show along. I think you can also go to next image in library mode by holding shift down as you rate images.


Edits are not embedded in an XML sidecar unless you tell it to do that. Lightroom has its own catalog of changes and you can always revert.


I have no desire to bounce between programs to do selections and processing and Lightroom has some controls ACR lacks so everything goes through Lightroom and then to PS3 for local edits if any.

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It's even easier than that! I double click on the first image to take me into single image mode (instead of grid) then type the star rating I

want ("4" or "5") to give it, then use the arrow key to move to the next image. I can book through a whole wedding very quickly. The other

thing you can do is use "X" to flag an image for rejection. Then use the Library>Filter by Flag>Rejected and mass delete the blurry ones.

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Hi Michael,


It seems you have sorted out your issues which is great. LR is a fabulous product which I couldn't do without in my workflow now. And LR2 has some great local editing features to complement the fabulous global editing features established in LR1.


Just to let you know - there have been some issues with the initial release - mostly to do with importing into PS from LR2 (difficulties with importing files into PS from LR2, and difficulties getting them to store back into the LR catalogue in the correct place as they did in LR1). 2.1 was supposed to solve the problems, but apparantly only did for some, and not for others. Some people are having the issue, and some are not. There was a temporary fix which worked for me, but not for others. You haven't mentioned any problem with it, so you are probably fine, however if you do have problems in the future - there is a thread on it on the Adobe forums: http://www.adobeforums.com/webx?14@@.59b5f883/0


Even if you do have the problem - it is worth persisting with - LR really changed my world and I love it.


Best of luck

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