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Looking for unique processing techniques...

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Hi all,


I have a show coming up in January and am in need of some advice. I've been asked to be the visual media portion of

an orchestral concert. (photos displayed at intermission) The photos are images I've taken over the past couple of

years of this group featuring the musicians and their instruments both live in concert and during rehearsals.


My quandary is that I have some great moments captured but I distinctly doubt I can blow up 13x19 prints (some

crops!) of ISO800 images shot with my 20D and my 70-200 f/2.8 IS. The light at most concerts is uniformly bad...


I'm also looking for unique impact... I want some traditional shots but also some that generate stronger reactions. I've

thought of using some of the filters in PS, but definitely don't want to come off as too gimmicky...


I'd appreciate any and all input! I've included a "typical" shot so you can see what I'm working with.




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Given your issues with noise (though I can't see it on my monitor in this pic), I'd look at http://www.niksoftware.com/viveza/usa/entry.php?utm_source=Web+Banner&utm_medium=Banner+Ad&utm_content=Viveza_Ad_&utm_campaign=PC+Photo+Skyscraper and see what you might do with B&W and color variations. It's very creative. They also have a 15 day demo. Have have to say it was very impressive.
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On the issue of "impact", it's very difficult to add to formal shots of musicians after the fact. As both a flutist and a photographer, I'd have liked that shot a lot better if you had my right hand in focus, even if that meant letting my left hand and face go out of focus...


Aside from that, one of my favorite techniques is superimposing the musicians with outdoor textures: leaves, waterfalls, etc. Your flutist shot is already almost a "natural mask" already, and will superimpose wonderfully. May I play with it a little and upload an example?

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Thanks all for the replies so far!


Michael, I'll take a look at the program and try it out... As to noise, the image is seriously downsized so

it'll fit on the forum.


Joseph, I'm actually a flutist as well (bachelors and masters in performance). My focus for this shoot

was the individual musicians that make up the orchestra (hence the focal point). I do have a couple

more concerts coming up before the show (with my new 50D!)... My goal with those shots is to be more

instrument focused. I'd also love to see what you can do with the image! Upload away!


Roger, I was definitely thinking B&W and sepia for a couple shots since the images' tonal range would

fit. I do have some more unusual angle shots but I was going for "typical" here. No flash permitted

unfortunately. That would certainly help with impact!

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Most people are used to seeing somewhat noisy, high contrast images from the days when these types of events were

shot on 800-speed print film or fuji 320T slides (often pushed). I'v never worked with a 20D, but I suspect the images may

compare favorably and surprise you at 13x19. People are always hammering these resolution numbers into our heads, but

if you are careful you can get away with a lot. If not, rather than fighting the noise, you might try embracing it. Convert to

black and white and add some grain--go for that old tri-x look. I would avoid the standard photoshop filters as people--you

are right that it will come off as gimmicky.

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Mark, thanks for the suggestion. Add grain through the PS filter or is there another way of which I'm

unaware? Up 'til now I've always been trying to get rid of it... =D


Pam, I really like what you did with the "something different" processing. Exactly one of the kinds of

interesting looks for which I was searching. How did you get that effect?


Kevan, LOL! I understand exactly what you mean. I actually meant "unique impact" to be unique within

the show... Not a blanket post processing of all images and not trying to steal someone's style. Mostly

just looking for ideas and what's possible with my images. I've been very traditional in my processing

technique until now and am trying to broaden my PS horizons. =D

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