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Canon to Bridge


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Hi and thanks in advance for your help.


Have just started to download my first lot of RAW pics from the new 50D into Adobe Bridge and am finding that,

despite having the "Advanced Options' clicked, there is still no preview thumbnails appearing in the display box and

the program seems unable to open up these '.CR2' images from the 50D. (The few jpeg ones opened and

downlaoded fine)? Any help..

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Matt, albeit the suffix of the file is "cr2", these files are NOT the same among 20D 30D 40D 50D 5D (which all

produce cr2-files). You have some options ...


... either upgrade the product to a version that supports the 50D. The 50D is a new camera, so it might take a

while util such a version becomes available.


... or upgrade the module of the product that supports access to raw files. For some Adobe products, this is ACR

(Adobe Camera Raw). Unfortunately the latest ACR versions are only supporting the latest versions of PS, PS-E. So

if you have an older version, this will not work.


... Get the latest verison of Adobes DNG-converter. Convert the 50D cr2-files into DNG files (which are still raw

files). Adobes products (even older ones like PS-CS2) should be able to open these DNG files. (The DNG-converter

is free, but if you are working on windows, you need Vista or XP...Adobe decided to drop support for Win2000).

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Matt, Rainer it right on target... my solution was the DNG converter... since I offload and archive the CR2 files anyway, it's a good option for me, as I'm then working with the Adobe DNG file. Oh yes, and it's free. And since I'm in CS2 (full suite), I don't see any urgent need to upgrade anytime soon.
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The dng converter is a free download from Adobe and once converted, you get full access to the files in Bridge. I had the same trouble with my 40D.


You also have the option of uing the bundled sftware. both Zoombrowser and DPP have useful RAW converters too.



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