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Autumn In New York (no, the other New York)


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When most people think of New York, they think of NYC, and the metropolitan megalopolis I grew up in.


But as my niece from Arkansas has learned after two visits to New York, we are far more than Wall Street and

Fashion Avenue.


25% of the total land area of the state of New York is farms. Ok, get up off the floor now, it's ok to be



<P>62% of the state is forested (18.6 million acres). Our forest contribute $4.6 billion directly to the

states economy through logging.


<P>Almost 5 million acres is publicly owned for preservation and recreation (we are the only state with

constitutionally protected forest preserves totaling almost 7 million acres).


We are #4 in corn production, #2 in

apple production, #2 in

cabbage, #3 in grapes, and #3 in dairy production. And in the top 10 in mostly every agricultural category.


Not bad for a state that is merely 30th in total land area, and that also is home to the financial, fashion, and

cultural capital of the world.


So some fall photos of the "other" New York (mostly all taken in the last 2 weeks):


<a title="Old Farm, New Farm - Wind Farming In Madison County"

href=" Old Farm, New Farm - Wind Farming In Madison County

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/3192/2943322369_97119bf06b_d.jpg" border="0"/>



<a title="Autumn On The Rim Trail - Robert H. Treman State Park"

href=" Autumn On The Rim Trail - Robert H. Treman State Park

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/3204/2945536516_edb732a659_d.jpg" border="0"/>



<a title="Me Photographing You Photographing The Falls" href=" Me Photographing You Photographing The Falls

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/3011/2943322099_caaf7a534d_d.jpg" border="0"/>



<a title="Cazenovia Lake, Cazenovia, New York" href=" Cazenovia Lake, Cazenovia, New York

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/3143/2943321743_3fd08702b7_d.jpg" border="0"/>



<a title="Autumn In The Finger Lakes - Taughannock Falls SP, New York"

href=" Autumn In The Finger Lakes - Taughannock Falls SP, New York

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/3057/2941588191_f52f06b194_d.jpg" border="0"/>




<a title="Diamond Notch - Catskills Forest Preserve, New York"

href=" Diamond Notch - Catskill Forest Preserve,  New York

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/3254/2946551804_29075367c8_d.jpg" border="0"/>






<a title="Foliage from lean-to on Cedar Lakes, West Canada Lakes Wilderness"

href=" Foliage from lean-to on Cedar Lakes, West Canada Lakes Wilderness

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/161/376394553_cedbefcb98_d.jpg" border="0"/>



<a title="Autumn Foliage On The Helderberg Escarpment" href=" Autumn Foliage On The Helderberg Escarpment

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/3231/2933616672_e6f4e51deb_d.jpg" border="0"/>



<a title="Adirondack Foliage" href=" Adirondack Foliage

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/135/376376249_fe9278c6ab_d.jpg" border="0"/>



<a title="Catskill Mountain Highs...And Lows!!!" href=" Catskill Mountain Highs...And Lows!!!

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/169/370330811_72614ad52c_d.jpg" border="0"/>



<a title="Luficer Falls - Robert H. Treman State Park, New York"


<img src="http://static.flickr.com/3184/2946537888_92f1377204_d.jpg" border="0"/>


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Justin, first i want to thank you for your comments on my most recent post. Your comments are always very insightful and useful. You

mentioned seeing potential shots from your car window but not being able to stop. I thought that only happened to me! The pictures here

are just outstanding. i am not sure I could chose a favorite but the one with the people walking and the last two would be up there. I would

love to spend more time in upstate NY but this time of year is my most hectic. If my son were not at Syracuse, I probably would never get

there. So I really look forward to your photography, you are truly one of the best IMO.

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Finger Lakes, Watkins Glen, Letchworth State Park. are wonderful places to visit.


Took a plane ride from Chicage to Schenectedy one time and it is easy to see NY is more than buildings and blacktop. Schenectary has buildings from late 1600`s and I had lunch in a tavern from 17xx. Really good food. Oldest one in the US. The doorways in these places are like the Mayflower replica with doorways that hit me about neck high.


The real shocker was I was going to have to try to cross a hugh busy intersection. I pushed the walk light button and traffic stopped, ALL the traffic, all 4 directions. Illinois just has a law pedestrians have the right of way in the intersection and you have to fight for your rights without an attorney.


If it wasn`t for the fact it is the highest tax state in the US, I would think of moving there.

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Absolutely beautiful shots, Justin!


I just returned from southern PA where scarce a color was yet to be seen. But on the return trip north, they began to pop as I approached the Pittsburgh area. I saw a few of those windmills on the way too. What a sad sight. They ruin the landscape scenery even more than the cell phone towers. If we had the sense to scale back our over-population, most of this would be unnecessary. Just think of what this land was like 200 years ago and more, during the thousands of years the American Indians were the main human inhabitants, and how the European and other immigrants, in such a short time, have put it on a course of ruin. I walked along a Jersey seashore during my trip and noticed awful trash washing up, including syringes and other medical waste. A beautiful beach, otherwise.

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Really great shots as usual. Maybe my wife should read your post. She wants to retire somewhere else due to being

# 2 as in "the highest tax state." That's my only complaint. We don't have many natural disasters. We have four

seasons to enjoy and a moderate climate that is only going to be an even bigger plus when global warming really

kicks in. Not to mention hiking, fishing, big cities, small cities, culture, good food, good organic food, 3 hrs to

NYC,Montreal,Boston. NH and Vermont right next door with Maine and Cape Cod 4-5hrs away. Almost forgot, some

great microbrews as well, although I always seem to manage to find one wherever we travel.


I'm stayin'. And your pics show why !

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As far as I know, these pics could have been taken by anyone on Flickr. Or maybe they're stolen from istock, who knows!? Cos if they had really been taken by Justin Serpico, we'd see CANEY IN THOSE PICS!


I can't comment on these pics unless I know for certain that they're Justin's.

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Very nice, very nice indeed...I have purposely routed my flight plans to South America to include a full day lay over in NY instead of Miami for a day of shooting. wish I had more time to visit the country...I love NY though...It is like 180 degrees from what L.A. is....
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Thanks for all the comments. Trying to hit everyone individually but no doubt I'll skip someone.


@ Javier, good move doing the layover in NY. Be a nice change of pace for you. My step mom is from Soutern Cal and moved out to NYC after med school, but her family always comments on how different So Cal is than the east coast, and NY. When I was out in California in 2002 we had a great time with my only negative impression being the traffic.


@ Bob, I have to agree. We also have some of the best beer on the planet originating from small breweries and brew pubs within a few hours here. I'm pretty confident the best beer in the world is brewed in NY, NH, VT, and Quebec. Plus, you and I live in the ideal part of the state from a travel standpoint our 4 hour drive radius is simply incredible!!!


@ Miserere, this past weekend he was with us Saturday, but I went solo on Sunday and Monday since my wife wasn't able to come and it's hard shooting with a dog in the parks because of leash regulations. When I'm out in the forest preserve, he just does his thing while I shoot.


@ Alisa, that was actually from 2006 with the ist D, one of my favorite shots. I was hoping to get there today but it didn't work out!


@ Jeff, I always tell my friends from the fine state of Vermont, that the best part about Vermont is the fact that you get a great view of the New York.


@ Michael, one of the great things about NY is the fact that our forest preserves which have existed since 1894 are truly in better shape in 2008 then when the state acquired the lands 124 years ago. The wind mills are pro and con. They are clean energy, but the amount of energy they generate is so small it's ineffective as a complete solution. However, for a farm, the mills and composting cow manure is usually enough to fully electrify a farm. They are an eyesore though, and do mar the landscape.


@ Gary, thanks!


@ Haig, thanks, I knew it would be one of my favorites to when I first noticed the scene. I always look to do two things. Take the cliche shot, and then look for something a bit different. At least if the different shot flops you have the one you know people like. Lucifer is hard to shot from above, so I just isolated 20ft of 112 feet after noticing the contrast of the green on the white and yellow.


@ Tom, Jersey (more so towards the coast) doesn't peak till the end of October if I remember correctly, you still have plenty of time!


@ Ronald, abosulutely, Schenectady is a bizare city that peaked decades ago, but they are doing a good job restoring and revitalizing the Stockade District (most likely the old area you were in), and downtown is coming along nicely. Our taxes are high, but sometimes you get what you pay for!


@ Robert, thanks for the comments. I hate when you see shots out the window but just can't get off the road, or safely get off the road. It's like the roll of film you lose, it always had the best shots on it!

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OK then, Justin. I'll take a leap of faith and assume these are your photos.<br>


My faves are the the walk in the park (the blurred people are so much better than if they'd been still) and the

Voorheesville, NY trees. Is that a road going up the mountain? The cut in the trees makes for a more interesting

scene. Of course, they're all outstanding, as usual.<br>


But I do miss Caney...<br>


By the way, in <a href="http://pentaxdslrs.blogspot.com/search/label/Miserere">my blog post</a> on New England

Fall Foliage I took a photo with a dog because it reminded me of Caney. I'll let you guess why :-) (It's photo #8.)

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Incredible photos, especially 2, 3 and 8. And thank you for reminding me of my visit to Taughannock Falls so many years ago. I had forgotten the name but not the feeling.


I must comment on the wind turbines. I do not find them an eyesore; in fact they are quite beautiful. Far more ugly are open-face mines, coal tips, slag heaps, rubbish dumps, clear cuts and the other signs of our consumer lifestyle. I have seen all of these as well, though generally they are hidden from our eyes. Out of sight; out of mind. What the turbines do is put our energy consumption up front where we can see it -- nowhere to hide. And that is a good thing.

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I am a native New Yorker like Justin who now lives in the woods in Upstate NY. I travel though the state for my job and never ever ever thought that the "rest" of NY was so big till I moved up here. Like Justin said most people think of Manhattan when someone mentions NY.


I have traveled through places up here that is just awesome to see.


While these shots cannot compare to Justins here are a few shots I took the other day.


I took these shots with my Kodak Z612 6 mp P&S.


The name of the town is Narrowsburgh NY and it is located on the Pennsylvania border.<div>00RD4L-80195684.jpg.fde81e8c84d4bc9c96d6c69d42aa84ec.jpg</div>

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This little town takes me about 2.5 hours to get to. It is one of those places in the middle of nowhere.

Whats funny to me is you can drive and drive and see nothing but open land for hours then come upon a little self sufficant town that just pops up. They have a General store/Post Office/Supermarket and a factory which is probably where the majority of towns folk work.


The Furniture store and Funeral home in this town have the same name......<div>00RD4Z-80201584.jpg.61969e19159b0cbdcf1320d64a74ec8c.jpg</div>

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