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The cheapest state art school will be the state which you live in.


You have a real dilemna. There are some very good schools of art out there but, it is a rough rough road.


Best to talk to artist in your area or go to a city where there is an art colony and talk directly to artists.


Don't forget to ask the advice of art teacher teachers you have taken classes with.


Good luck.

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Erin. Joseph gave a good response. You need to spend some time searching by talking to others as Joseph suggested. For example, in Massachusetts, there's a little state university, UMass Dartmouth, that has a great art program. For residents, it's cost is reasonable by today's standards. State college systems may be organized. Mass. tried to make certain schools outstanding in one field, like teacher training, music education, music performance, etc. That may not have been planned, but it happened. UMass Dartmouth ended up with a great art program. Public schools are always a bargain compared to private schools. Spending a good deal of time talking to others will be far more beneficial than web searches, I suspect. Best wishes!
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