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50D or 40D?!


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OK, so. This is a hypothetical question for now, but for only a few months. I'm hoping after the holiday seasons

that Canon bodies will drop prices. Whether they do or not, I will be looking at 40Ds and 50Ds as an upgrade from

my 30D.


I looked at the specs for both and they seem to be pretty much the same aside from resolution and ISO

capabilities. So is there a reason to buy the 50D or should I just go with the 40D, price aside of course.


I have a fairly spread out photojournalism regimen; sports, speeches and indoor events with poor lighting. I'm looking

at these cameras that have all around quality. I think the 5D is out of the question with sports on my plate. 4 FPS

just isn't fast enough.

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For me the AF micro adjustments are a big plus as I have a few 3rd party lenses that are just a touch out, one is calibrated to my current camera so is fine but might not be with a new camera (though I'd be worried if they were much different). Anyway just saying that for me this feature makes a lot of sense.
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basically it allows you to adjust the front and back focus for your lenses. I think you set-up a chart on a computer screen and tweak the adjustments it till is properly focused. If your lenses are fine then I wouldn't worry too much about it but I guess it is a bit of and added benifit particularly if using 3rd party lenses. But two things to say, one, people have done fine without it for a long time, and two, I've seen more posts about ppl adjusting canon lenses than I have for other brands but, I wouldn't expect someone using a 1D III to have many non-canon lenses, at least not for cost reasons.
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I got a 40D last Nov. When I heard that the 50D was coming out, I got excited. Excited that the price of the 40D will come down and I can afford to pick up a second body. I love this camera and it is my opinion that we have been oversold on the megapixel. I guess the real question is what can a 50D do for you that a 40D can not. If you are a patient type, you can wait till next summer and decide between the 50D and the 60D:)
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I still have my 30D. But...


I sold my 50mm 1.8 II,( I have a 1.4) and a Tamron 28-75mm ( I have the 17-55mm IS) and my XT, and a 18-55mm IS, and a set of Kenko extention tubes, and an angle finder C, and shot a couple of students senior pictures, and then I bought a 50D. It arrived today.


The XT was the back up to the 30D which is now the backup to the 50D.


My first impression of the 50D? Very nice. I like the new menus, but haven't tried live view yet. I've never seen a 40D but this seems like a large leap over the 30D yet ergonomically they are very similar.


Did I need the 50D? Nope, as an amateur I don't need the 30D (or the 70-200mm 2.8 IS!) but I have loved owning it and think the 50D will keep me happy for years to come.

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