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Lightroom 2 metadata less than Olympus Master 2

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I download my RAW files from CF card to external HD and then into my LR catalog. When I look at the metadata listed in LR it is much

less information than when I download the same images into Olympus Master 2. In the latter I see the white balance, whether the image

stabilization is on or off, metering modes, saturation level, etc. Apparently this information is all stored with the file but none of it shows up

in LR.


Is there a way to see all this information in LR? I don't want to reload pictures into the Olympus software just to see the rest of the



I'm using LR on an iMac 2.4GHz, 20" screen, OS X 10.5.5. My camera is an Olympus E510 using the most recent firmware update.



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When I look in the .xmp files for a photo all the data I see in Olympus Master is in the file - it's just not showing up in

Lightroom. Guess Adobe wanted to limit the amount of space to show metadata.


Well, for any specific image I want to recall the detailed settings on I can always reload in Olympus Master.

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