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What is happening with Views on PN?

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Hi all,

Not so long ago, maybe a year or so, if you were to put a photo up for critique you would get on average of maybe

500-1000 views. Nowadays though, you'd be lucky to get 100. About 20-30 seems to be the norm. I know that PN

changed the way the critique forum displays recent photos, but it seems to me that it has had the opposite of the

desired effect. Has anybody else seen this trend. The fact that nobody sees your images is making me less inclined

to continue my subscription beyond this year (after 7 years) and look elsewhere. This concludes my whinge :)

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The views were incorrectly calculated prior to january 2007. Views counted thumbnails views (such as looking at a whole folder) the same as a full view. That is to say, if someone looked at your whole portfolio under the old system, every image would be credited with a "view".


This was corrected in Jan 2007 so that only actual views of the full image were counted. The number of views you are getting now is likely the same as it ever was. You were just being given inflated numbers.

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Jacob, I notished what you say.

May be what Josh says is correct but in my opinion it don't explain it completely because I have picture seen more than thousands time an other just few time. Josh, I suppose that what you say is only a part of what's happening.

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Nobody said it did, you asked about views, not about ratings/comments. If you want information, you have to ask the right question. I'm not a mind reader.


Average number of ratings and comments are down because there are a significantly higher number of images going through the critique forum than their were a few years ago. Add to this the disturbing trend of photo.net users who want to take from the system (requesting ratings/critique) and not give back to the system (give ratings/critique) and you have another big reason why the average numbers are down. It is looking more and more likely that we are going to have to enforce some sort of a quota system for people wanting to use the critique forum. As people don't seem interested in contributing on their own.

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If you look through thumbnails you still see the images much better than one of those index prints or a contact sheet. I'd

like the idea of a gallery visit being counted as a "view".


It's not like needing to linger like you're looking at the Mona Lisa. Heck, that looked a thumbnail, there were so many

people in front of me.

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