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D700 or Fuji S5 + 17-55/2.8 + 10.5/2.8


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<p>Ok, in essence the ends up being a FX vs DX thing but a few more thoughts, opinions and ideas are always

most welcome</p>

<p>In my bag there is currently:</p>



<li>Fuji S3</li>

<li>80-200/2.8 AF-S</li>

<li>35-70/2.8 AF-D</li>

<li>Sigma 10-20</li>

<li>24/2.8 AF-D</li>

<li>50/1.4 AF-D</li>

<li>85/1.8 AF-D</li>




<p>also have:</p>



<li>18-200 VR AF-S</li>

<li>70-210/4-5.6 AF-D</li>

<li>50/1.8 AF-D</li>

<li>2 x SB-600</li>


<p>So, my current lens collection means that in the main I'm 'FX ready' so naturally there is a strong pull towards

the D700 however, I'm struggling to see what real day-to-day improvements I'm going to appreciate. I was never a

serious photographer that used to use film so the DX crop has always been natural to me, the D700 is a heavy

investement and for the same money I could get a Fuji S5 (new), a 17-55/2.8 and a 10.5/2.8 (excellent condition

used lenses) and still have some change (£250) left over</p>

<p>Currently shoot mainly studio and music but are seriously considering doing weddings next year, a major part of

the music work involves low light conditions at gigs, ISO1600 is common (but the S3 usually has a wide angle

mounted and does not go over ISO800), there are times where ISO3200 has been needed but can't think of a time

where I needed more high ISO performance than the D300 provides</p>

<p>Maybe I've bought into the marketing a little too much but I'm now feeling that I should be moving to FX and

anything DX that I buy will end up being sold on at a fraction of it's original value in a year or so's time</p>

<p>So, any thoughts? should I get the D700?, the S5 and bits?, or maybe just sit tight for a year and get a D3?</p>

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There are no simple answer to your questions. If you are happy with what you have and are getting the results you want with the gear you currently have, sit tight for a year and reevaluate your needs at that time.


Keep in mind that many weddings have been and are still shot with lesser cameras than the D300.

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Darren, my suggestion is that buy absolutely nothing new at this time.

Except for a small group of Fuji fans that shoot weddings, very few people can benefit from a S5 while it has a lot of

drawbacks. It is well known to be a slow camera and its AF model is the same as that on the D200, which does not

work well under low light.


When it reaches a point that you indeed need better low-light performance than what the D300 can provide, add a

D700 perhaps next year or in two years. By then, perhaps there will be another DSLR that is even better than the

D700 or at least the D700 will get even cheaper.


If you have plans to get an FX body, there seems to be no reason to buy any additional DX lenses at this point.

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I second Shun. Love what you have in your bag!


I went for the D700 as I wanted a second body, and I love it, but unless you are shooting very high ISO a lot (I see a clear advantages at 1600 and 3200), there is no point. You have the wide angle covered with Sigma 10-20 (the Nikkor 14-24 I guess would give you 1 mm more "DX equivalent" on FX, but it also would set you back $1600), and you may be left pining after a 300mm on FX......


For the wedding, I think a $30 light sphere may get you more than a $2750+ body.....

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Thanks for the responses


Still unsure exactly what to do at this point but I think I'll certainly wait on the D700 and also any further investement in DX glass - I'm actually tempted to upgrade my laptop and shoot RAW (all my 'work' is done in JPEG but now that I'm doing more 'arty' stuff there might be reason to switch).


The S5 still tempts me, it's a lot of camera for a small price, I really enjoy using the S3 and the way I use it there is no real issue with the performance (although I'd not entertain using RAW with it).


So, a new laptop and an S5, hmmmmmm, sound like a plan :)


Just as a side note, one reason for getting another body is that my daughter wants to get involved, am thinking that the S3, a reasonable mid-range zoom (24-85?) and a flash (SB-80DX) - she'll be almost exclusively taking people/crowd shots at events (live music mainly) and be going for the typical club shot (longer exposure - rear curtain flash) type stuff

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I currently have a d700 and a s5 I have found a significant ungrade from the s3 to the s5 first the menus are laid out better and its easier to shoot with. That being said there is no comparison between the d700 and the s5 the 700 responds in low light very well and the dynamic range is beautiful. I never shot with the 300 so I cant make a comparison. I use the s5 for school and church shoots mainly due to the fact that it can handle a bar coder and integrates well with darkroom assembly

but for weddings the s5 is mostly a backup wait for the 700 if you are looking to upgrade itsn well worth it really

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