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Money and weight considerations mostly. If you throw enough money at it and size is of no importance, I'm sure Canon

could make a wide zoom with little barrel distortion. But we want it affordable, light, small and a wide zoom range so compromises happen...

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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A pet peeve of mine. To get a minimum of barrel distortion with a prime lens on a crop-sensor EOS (an easily portable package), it seems I'd have to use a Nikkor 20mm AIS 2.8, or a Zuiko OM 21 f2 or f3.5 with an adapter and forget autofocus, shooting manual or AV. With the crop factor, I'd end up with about a 32mm angle of coverage.


Canon USED to make excellent wides with minimal distortion: the 24mm f2 FDn, 35mm f2 FDn, and the 28mm f2 SSC. Leica's wides are nearly free of distortion.


Hopefully, the barrel distortion, if not combined with waveform, could be easily dealt with in an imaging program. If this is true, I may just go with a Pentax body and their 21mm f3.2 to carry around.

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