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D300 back from Nikon !!


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I bought this camera back in April and I very happy with it. Nevertheless, my D300 started to do some weird things,

like getting totally black pictures, difficulty to get the WB and sometimes, when switching from Matrix to Center

Weighted or Spot or viceversa, the exposure was not right. So I decided to send it to Nikon back on September 6th

and I just got it back from them. They adjusted the WB, the auto-focus operation, the exposure, cleaned the sensor

and general inspection and cleaning. So far, so good. I still needs to go out and shoot a couple of thousands in

different setups and speed to test what they did. One thing I did like of what they did is that they cleaned the sensor

and now it does look sharp clean and they did not charge me for. So, I am very pleased with Nikon services and

every time I did call them for a feedback, they were very nice and courtess. Just letting you know guys in case you

are wondering about the kind of service they provide, so you already have an input from me. Had to be 2 and half

weeks without it and I miss it a lot but finally I got it back and will start shooting pretty soon.

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I had the same issue with one of my (2) D300's. F stop going to 0 and producing black pix. I sent it to NY, got it back, 3rd Job out it did the same thing. Called NIKON, they sent me a postage paid ticket and it's back with them now. Hope it doesn't do the 3rd times a charm deal when I get it back. It seemed to happen after I upgraded the firmware. I haven't upgraded my 2nd D300 and don't plan to..if it an't broke don't fix it. :)
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Very nice to hear that some Nikon organizations have to good service level. I ordered a DR-6 5 month ago in Vietnam and despite several reminders I only got a reply Monday this week: Please arrange a purchase from USA, as the

inventory level in Asia is limited!!

I will now have to check if I can get it from Hong Kong, which will result in higher total costs!

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In the report they sent me, they say they did a "rank b1" type of service or repair and I do not know what does that means. After I received my camera back, it does not looks like they open up the camera and repair or adjust something inside its cpu. I am wondering what did they do to fix what they say they did ? Does anyone knows how they fix problems ? Do they open up the camera and go inside the cpu to test and fix ? Does this work in the same way they do with cars, thay they put the computer and analize the problem in a matter of 10 minutes and go from there to fix it ? I don't know if this start to happen after I did upgrade my firmware but I don't like to have this problem, especially with a very expensive equipment. Never had this problem with either my D50 and D80. I will investigate what they did and I will update this charter.
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