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Olympus Studio 2 software


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Photographers who use this image editing software.. Could you please comment on your experience? How does it

compare to photoshop, PS element 3, lightroom 2.. etc.. Can you perform functions like merging two pictures or

using another picture for a background, etc... Strengths and Shortcomings? Thank you for your input..

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Hated it. Well, maybe not that harsh, but it's not that great. It's good if you want to use your computer to shoot your shots remotely, but it's a memory hog and moves really slow. I pulled it off and kept with PS and LR. I keep Olympus Master on only for updating firmware. it can't touch PS, not nearly as nice as LR or Aperture.
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When they come up with the perfect ultimate photo software be sure to let me know.

I have several apps on my computers, and I would never think of doing Olympus RAW processing on anything but Studio. It may be slow, but it's the only one that gets the Olympus color right instead of changing it into Nikon color. And the camera control is awesome for studio work. Plus, it's the only way to DIY the camera, flash, and lens firmware upgrades instead of having to send it to service or do the CF card trick (which might or might not work).

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Olympus Studio 2 allows you to process the Oly RAW files and to build albums, print and do som efairly basic things when compared to Lightroom/PS etc. However it is slow and a memory hog.


I do some processing in Studio but if I want to do anything else, merge images, colour correction et etc then I use PS

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It does a great job with ORF files from my E510...beautiful colors, and does give lots of ability to do things like level images after conversion if needed, crop, etc., etc. There is a distortion tool that does a great job removing the distortion I see at the 12mm end of my 12-60 Zuiko, but Studio has nothing like Layers and Layer Masks. If I need to do something like that, I process the RAW files in Studio and do the "other stuff" in Photoshop CS2.
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Thank you all fort your reply. It is always helpful to read different opinions... We all learn from them. I bought the studio 2 and I am happy with what it can do... I also ordered the PhotoShop CS3. Hiopefully I will enjoy it and will be able to add to the studio 2 with more creative manipulation of some of the pics.... Thanks again..
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I stopped using OM2 several months ago when I got Lightroom. I found LR easier to use as a single package for

cataloging, adjusting and printing. Haven't done a head-to-head comparison on RAW conversion between OM2 and LR -

is there a difference in the "accuracy" of the engines? By that I mean is one better than the other converting RAW into

images that look like what I shot?


Hate to use multiple software but also hate to lose any image quality. Love to have a link to anyone who's done this

type of comparison.



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It's slow and crashes on Windows XP sometimes, but it's an integral part of my work flow. I've never used

Lightroom and have very limited experience with Photoshop. I had trail versions of Bibble 4 and Arcsoft's

Photostudio Darkroom and I chose Studio over them. Bibble was not very intuitive and Photostudio left strange

artifacts on my jpeg conversions from time to time. I use PSE 4 when I need to do heavy editing, but Studio 2 is

a powerful piece of software in my opinion.



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