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Pentax official new DSLR?, lenses? and other new equipment? release


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Dear Pentaxian friends,


Get on this site (pentaxdslrs-dot-blogspot-dot-com) tonight at 11:59 Pacific Time (California Time) because as the

clock turns to midnight, the new Pentax equipment being introduced in Cologne Germany will be announced on this

site as well. There are some new exciting stuff being introduced by Pentax. Some of the equipment being sold in the

USA will be slightly different than what's being introduced in Germany.


We will have pictures and specifications.


Stay tuned.

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Could it be the digital 645???? Ok, I need to stop believing this will ever come true...it's dead, dead, dead. Going to plant some lillies on this idea. RIP.


I am not staying up late for the announcement, but I may get up early in the morning and check the news on the latest Pentax offerings.

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I don't think so, John. Pentax surely wants to get better footholds in the entry-level market, but I wouldn't consider that a me-too approach, just good business philosophy.


I just read the outstanding reviews on the G10...looks like a winner. I think it will sell like hotcakes, especially considering the woes Leica is having right now. If the G10 can be a poor-man's rangefinder (not a true RF, of course), I don't see a good end to the Leica story.

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Too funny, Mis -- I *just* saw that release and then looked at the S2. It's a serious piece of kit! Nice MF/35mm hybrid approach, too, with nine new lenses coming out to accompany that monster. Wow, Leica did this one right by offering the body at $1.5K. Leica-heads will pay 2x that for the lenses, but when Leica released a $5K M body, most people grumbled that Leica had lost their way. It stuck in their craw like a chicken bone. Looks like Leica is listening for a change...


I really feel that Pentax missed the boat on a chance like this. What if they released a large-sensor SLR body that looked like a 67 and took all of the old 645 lenses plus new "digital" ones that Pentax had on the roadmap? We can only wonder now that the horse is dead, flogged, and being hauled to the glue factory...

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There are the diehard rangefinder purists that will say that RF cameras are the best things that ever graced the photography world. In many respects, their arguments are very valid, but when Leica went digital and charged a princely sum for the camera body (more like people's first, second, and third-born children), many RF fans revolted. I don't know if the Leica RF line will ever get back on track again.


Now, enter Stage Right...here comes Leica with a completely novel approach: the S2. Very innovative, nichy, and just might be scratching the right Leica itch. The announcement was shocking to many and may be the Silver Bullet that kills the Leica werewolf.


Unless you are a diehard Leica RF fan and shoot wire service work, it's hard to imagine that you would pony up $20K for an M8 and a handful of lenses. And those that buy the S2 will likely be fashion photographers (and those that shoot for Madison Ave) or lanscaping/architectural pros. Like you, Javier, I will shoot with a G10 when it starts shipping...makes far more sense...:-)

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Jeff, I apologise, I was trying to make a joke. I thought $1,500 would be low enough that nobody would believe me. Sorry if I led you astray!


Having said that, $20,000 for a MF camera isn't that bad (in relative terms).


One thing to bear in mind is that Leica has no interest whatsoever in selling cameras or lenses; what they sell is status. I have a name for the people who buy Leica products out of their own pocket, but it's far too rude to write it on p-net. I don't subscribe to Leica's philosophy, in fact, I oppose it, so I simply ignore them.

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LOL, Mis...I was thinking you might be pulling my leg, but since I didn't find any pricing at first, I ended up taking the bait. Payback is a bugger, y'know... ;->


My interest in Leica (until the S2 release) was purely historical. When I look through the RF photos of the 30's and 40's, I am simply amazed. But that was the Leica of yesteryear and has no bearing on the Leica M and Lux series mess of today.


The S2 is a very interesting product because of the dearth of digital MF in the marketplace. When a digital 645 back costs the same as the S2, then I would say that Leica will find its footing again. It's definitely for pros only. A 37MP, hybrid MF/35mm is a no-brainer for someone who lives and breathes fashion and advertising photography for big table stakes.


If only Pentax would have done the same with a digital 67...<sigh>

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