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Words of wisdom for new Lightroom 2 user?

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I've been demoing Lightroom and Aperture and have decided to go with Lightroom. I'm still way early in the

learning curve, but have gotten familiar enough with the interfaces and so forth to be comfortable with that



I was wondering if anyone might have any words of wisdom - things to watch for, or be careful about, or things to

definitely do in settings or workflow or whatever? Sort of a must do / pitfalls to avoid list.


Maybe there's nothing, but I'm trying to get things done right out of the gate. Thanks!

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Change the location of Lightroom catalogs and cache files to anything other than your primary drive, E.g. drive C:


Your Lightroom cache and catalog files can grow to multiple Gigabytes quickly, and if you are running low on space on Drive C:\ it will make your computer slow as molasses in winter.


The cache files are located in the following location by default.


C:\Documents and Settings\<your acct name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\CameraRaw\Cache


For more check this out http://tinyurl.com/6nune6

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Checkout Adobe Lightroom 2-The Missing FAQ.pdf It is an electronic book by Victoria Bampton. It is not a tutorial but is

full of things about settings presets and such like, with links to where you can get lots of free develop presets and web

galleries. If you go to Lightroom Forums and find one of her posts (not hard to do) you'll find a discount code in her


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