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Photographs by Blind Photographers


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That is wonderful! A great story. On a different note, I met a fella two weeks ago that had been color blind his entire life. Most folk I know who are color blind just have a hard time with certain color groups, but this guy says he only saw black and white, no color at all.


Three weeks before I met him he went into sergery (nothing to do with his eyes) and when he woke up....he could see full color. This guy has been an amature photographer for years and I am impressed with his images. But now he can see them in color for the first time! He said the first thing he saw when he woke up was a yellow flower. That is now his favorite.


BTW, I was in a room full of folks that have known him for years in the local camera club that confirm his story. Just blew me away.



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That's really interesting. I'm planning on spending some time as a 'blind' person in and around town, just to experience it, and also to get a feel of peoples reactions, the way you're treated etc. One thing I want to do while I'm doing this is to take a few rolls of 'blind photo's', I have no idea exactly how that'll work! I'm imagining taking an old rangefinder, sling it around my neck, and listen out for interesting things... we'll see...
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