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Using the model B meter


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<p> Firs you need to set the ASA/DIN speed of the film, for example

if your film is MINOCOLOR 100, SET the Minox B dial to 100.


To use the meter, point the B to object, press the button on the

meter,( not the shutter release !), then release the button, the meter

will move to a postion, then turn the speed dial to align the ^ mark

with the meter needle, for example you the meter ^ aligns with 200

on the speed dial, your shutter speed is now 1/200 sec.

<p> When you turn the speed dial to align the ^, if the shutter

it is in between two shutter speed, for example between 50 and 100

then the shutter speed is 1/75.


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  • 3 years later...

Just one personal opinion/experience:


-you managed the procedure to set the film speed (tricky, but see other comments)

-you are used to use a normal analogue light meter (profi or lunasix or similar)

exposure will be more accurate then the automatic C mechanism.

Don`t follow the advice to look through the rangefinder to measure. Just hold the camera like a light meter, wave a little up and down to check how much bright sky (a.s.o) will influence, and watch the meter to decide the appropriate reading.

My first film with a B was nearly perfectly exposed, whereas the C autoexposure showed more results beside the line.


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