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Next Lens for me Nikon Advice


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I have a d40x and JUST began weddings. I currently have the 18-55mm kit lens 55-200 VR. I want to get another

lens to start with weddings. I am working as a second shooter but would like another lens I could use to work

with perhaps a wide angle or prime.


I am on a limited budget. I would appreciate advice on what the next most useful lens would be for me to get for

wedding usages.


Keep in mind I plan on buying the d200 by January. So something that would work well with the d200 matters.


Thanks! I know someone will be able to help!

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There are not too many 'budget' lenses that autofocus with your camera. This is the full list but you will find that the only 'budget' lens for your camera is the nikon 50mm 1.8. You need Nikon AFS lenses or Sigma HSM lenses. Nit sure what the Tamron ones are!




The Tamron 17-55 f2.8 as Ted suggested is often suggested and does AF with the D40x as does the Tamron 28-75mm f2.8 which has also been recomended.

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You may want to consider getting a prime lens for your wedding shots. However, since you'll be stuck with the

D40x until at least January, there is only one such lens that I know of which will autofocus with your camera -

the Sigma 30mm f/1.4. I am considering getting this lens myself for my D60 (same dilemma) but I am currently

using the Nikon 50mm f/1.8 by focusing manually for portraits which isn't too challenging because I have a

rangefinder built-in. If you have a limited budget and don't mind manual focusing for a few months, then I would

recommend getting the Nikon 50mm f/1.8 ($130) which is very affordable and very sharp. This lens will autofocus

with the D200.

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Victor - you must be more skillful than I as I could not shoot a wedding with the nikon 50mm on my D40. I find the manual focus fiddly and I need time to nail the focus on each shot - even then I find I only manage to to this on a third of the shots. That just would be a disaster at a wedding. Luckily I am getting the D90 in a couple of weeks and I am very much looking forward to using the nikon 50mm on autofocus!
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Hi Karen - Lucky you for getting the D90 in just a couple of weeks. I have the same thought but may have to wait until X'mas to receive it from Santa - if I behave well from here onwards. I guess it would be more challenging to manual focus on the D40x as its rangefinder, if it has one at all, may not be as precise as the one on the D60. Please do check out the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 as it will autofocus with all of your existing and future cameras. It's a versatile lens to have especially for group portraits in tight places at weddings.
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Im not to big on budget lenses. In other words i havent had any luck with third party lenses. Id recomend the Nikon 17-55 2.8 Its expensive but trust me its worth the investment. Cameras need to be updated every couple of years , but lenses last years!. I look at this was never skimp on lenses becasue you buy lenses for the future.
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Victor - hope you continue to be a good boy! The Sigma 30mm 1.4 looks amazing and has been on my wish list for some time. Once I've got the D90 and a the tamron lens I am after out the way I will be setting my sights on the Sigma 30mm 1.4. The pro tog I assist is getting this lens soon but unfortunately she uses Canon so I wont be able to try it out myself yet.


Mike I agree with what you are saying but when the Tamron lens is a third of the price of the Nikon and there is NO WAY to raise the fund for the Nikon version then you are left with only one choice.

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If you're charging money for your work, then I'd strongly recommend biting the bullet and investing in the proper gear. Peoples' memories are at stake.


That said, the cheapest way I can see to get you to the point of having the necessary gear to allow you to adequately record these once-in-a-lifetime events for pay would be the Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 that Ted recommended, and the Sigma 70-200 f/2.8. The lenses you currently have are simply not fast enough to produce sharp photos in indoor lighting. Once you get the D200, add the 50 f/1.8 (it's extremely cheap and a must-have for low-light reception shots, but won't autofocus on the D40x). After that, add a flash (SB-800 ideally, but the SB-600 would suffice).

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Thank you all soo much for your input! I think the tamron 28-75mm 2.8 looks to be possibly the best bet and one I could get the most use out of right now. I plan on picking up the 50mm 1.8 after I get paid for my next wedding! lol


Thank you Karen for that link! I am going to print it out. Very useful go to quick guide.


Right after this post my dad said he would get me a new camera for xmas possibly a d90 and I mentioned d300 so we will see.

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