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WOW, That camera...

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I did my first 'real' photo shoot, it was for a family member so I didn't get paid or anything, and the only stress I had

was whether or not they'd like the photos. However, for a perfectionist like me, that is a lot of stress.


For the event I took 200 plus photos (that is the double edged sword of DSLRs, you don't have to worry about wasting

exposures, just keep shooting!), and I would say only about 5 turned out really great, then I'd keep maybe an

additional 10 because they meant something. However, since it was family, I gave them all the photos...the comment

that kept rotating around the room? "WOW, that camera takes really great photos! What a great camera!"


Truly only one photo was artistic, and it was one of the few when I had the camera set to manual, I made the mistake

of looking in the LCD display after this shot and the sun was bright, so it looked way overexposed, so I freaked out

and set the camera to 'idiot' mode (no offense to anyone who regularly shoots on all auto) and you know what? that

one shot was by far the BEST.



Lesson learned: Even if new (and incredibly nervous!), trust your gut and set the exposure yourself!


I guess they were right, the camera DID take great photos! Next time I will take great photos!

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There was a similar thread last week on this. Its one of the few ways a photographically uneducated person knows how to compliment you. Take it for what it was meant to be


I had friends who said, "So whats the big deal with what you do? I can do that" I tell them to try it, but with someone else's camera. :). I'm not close to pro, but it still pissed me off.

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I am also not a pro but serious about this passion, and usually I get 5-15 good shots from 36 limited exposures of a roll, and are aprecieted by others. Films made my habit to think and compose carefully and capture, but I know I am not so perfect at the technical side of exposure calculations but that is the area where equipment >> negative films help me.
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I don't know why this comment never bothers me. In fact, I always agree. "Yes. I love my camera. And if it wasn't for this camera, I wouldn't be getting these shots!" I might just have a Canon Rebel, but it has truly allowed me to bring out the photographer/artist inside of me -- something my p & s could never do.
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:) Some of the responses made me feel a lot better!


This was just my reflection on my own issues of nervousness and trusting myself to set the camera, not

just depending on the camera. In fact, that is what inspired my post about what makes a photographer.


I LOVE the saucepan analogy!


I wasn't really offended by the comment, actually after reading on this site, I sort of expected it, the

point I was making was that it sort of was true - the camera chose all the settings for me. But, after

thinking about it, and trusting these responses, I still played an important role! LOL!


I learned a valuable lesson, to trust my own settings - using the light meter of course - and wanted to

share that with other 'new to photography like I am' people.


Of course, there is still the issue of thinking you are messing up and can't go back in time to get that

shot! I guess that is why it is called learning.



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RE: "I might just have a Canon Rebel, but it has truly allowed me to bring out the photographer/artist inside of me -- something my p & s could never do."


Yeah, it's not like it could take a National Geographic-worthy shot or anything...




Full Disclosure - I have a Rebel too



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