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which color profile to choose??

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I'm still trying to understand color management.


In the past, I had issue where image edited on a laptop monitor that's really off, appears really bad when viewed on a

different computer. So i thought, monitor calibration is the answer. Now I got the spyder2express, and have been

satisfied when editing/printing my images. However, i'm still confused about which color profile to choose when i'm

displaying images on my blog.


After compiling my images in Lightroom (on a properly calibrated monitor), and ready to export, which color profile do

i choose for display on a website?


The problem I'm confused with:


case1. export from lightroom with Spyder2express profile; the images looks fine when I open the web page using my

calibrated monitor. However, when I view them on other computers (mostly just any average laptop lcd), the colors are

mostly off, really bad.


case2. export from lightroom with sRGB profile; the color looks off when I open the web page using my calibrated

monitor. However, when i view them on other computers (mostly just any average laptop lcd), the colors are 'more

correct', as in closer to what i'm seeing in lightroom.


what did i misunderstood??

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There is a whole section in digital darkroom about color management. Go there. Look for Andrew Rodney in those threads. He has published the most elucidating paper on color management that I have read. There are a lot of threads on this subject there. No need, I don't think, to cover this ground before you research what is already here. Best of luck.
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The Spyder2express profile is a monitor specific profile - this just ensures your monitor is at a known state for displaying colours accurately. An image in sRGB (or any other colour space) is device independent, and should like fine on your monitor when opened in a ICC aware application as it knows how to map those colours to your (calibrated) monitor.


Option 2 is what you should be doing to provide the best probability of most people seeing your images how they originally were. However, you need to make sure that (although I have LR I use PS to export where this is the case) when you export you dont "assign" sRGB" but rather "convert" to sRGB. Images looking off on other monitors is always possible as the gamma and calibration state of each monitor is different, and the browsers are not using the profile when displaying the image.

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1_never apply a custom profile to a image, i mean a profile you create for a monitor..this profile is only good for YOUR monitor period. so the answer will be sRGB for the web, external lab, powerpoint.


2_that the correct way. Maybe something rong with where you use your profile. If it look good on other computer but not on your calibrated one..something wrong on your : )


3_i will change my spider2 express asap to get a *real* calibration tool like the spider3 pro if you can..far better result and way more stable in the color profile

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