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AE1 from '82, TX from '75 - Which 50mm f/1.8 is better?


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Hey guys-n-gals out there-


I inherited my dad's TX a while back, and used it throughout HS for my photo classes and my own work. I just

recently picked up a mint AE-1 that dates to '82 with the aforementioned lens, and I haven't shot with it yet.

It was $35 with the standard (now rotten) leather case and a decent UV filter. Yes, both bodies need new foam,

that's my project for the upcoming weeks.



I'm curious as to whether or not the AE-1's lens is going to be sharper than the older TX lens, and whether it

qualifies as an FDn since it has the AutoE setting on the aperture ring.


Any thoughts?

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An automatic setting on the lens makes it an automatic aperture lens, whether or not it's FDn is the mount. If it's FDn, it

will have a silver button on the bottom right of the lens (looking at the front of the camera) and will not have a locking ring

like I would assume the TX's lens has. The FDn 50mm f/1.8 has a lot of plastic, so it is light weight (the lightest Canon FD

lens, if I'm not mistaken), but not as durable as metal. I don't know of any difference in optical design, but you may

appreciate the automatic setting with the shutter-priority AE-1.

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Thanks very much for the quick and concise and yet thorough responses. I had read the various pages pertaining to the FD vs FDn system (bayonet mount or otherwise) and it all just sort of blurred together instead of making anything clear.


The AE-1 does have the locking button, and the camera feels much lighter than the TX. I know there are about 100g worth in the body, so there must be more weight loss in the lens.

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