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best one or two year degree in europe / english or spanish?


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I´m (desperately) looking for a one or two year degree in photography in europe, I speak fluent english and

spanish so of course the first choices would be spain or uk, but I would like to know if anyone can recommend

courses in those languages in those and other countries? I would love to go to berlin but I´ve had no luck

finding courses

there in english. In spain I´d like to go to barcelona if that´s possible but does anyone know any good courses

there? Also

Paris can be a great option. I am 25 and interested in fashion / editorial photography. Please can anyone help me

out? I already know the basics and have been learning taking pictures for a while but I´d like to get all the

technical information, especially how to work a studio





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Hi Maria,


I was visiting the Sonimagfoto expo a couple of years ago in Barcelona and managed to look up a few of the teaching institutions which had stands on show. I was lucky enough to get a run down from a couple including a few associations. In brief I got conflicting view points as to the merit of such courses due to the fact that once completed the 'Diploma' you receive is not recognised by any autonomous regional as well as national governing body within Spain.


For what its worth I was led to believe that one would gain from the practical elements of the course but don't expect to have your Dip acredited within Spain and even less outside its borders if thats of any importance to you. The first course is:


Diplomatura de Postgrado en Fotoperiodismo


Runs for 250 hours aprox and cost of around 2500 euros the last time I looked. Its run at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona which may mean they give classes in Catalan! More info at www.blues.uab.es/fotoperiodismo


The second is El Institut D`Estudis Fotografics de Catalunya. Courses there start at around the 2300 euro mark as well, and may be in Catalan. More info at www.iefc.es


If you need any other info, drop me a line as I know of a few others in Madrid, but currently don't have their details.





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Hi Maria,

You should have a look at the courses offered at Central Sain Martins College.




It's a great location in central London. I know they have a one year diploma and the college is know for its fashion

courses. I've just done short courses there. So can't provide with much feedback.


Have also a look at the courses of the University of Westminster (www.wmin.ac.uk)




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