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What websites have the highest end design?


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Good question Joe. I think if you are looking at just work alone, you cant really judge if they expensive. You may love it or hate it but it wont tell you if they are expensive. I think the expensive part, and yet again subjective in some way, comes from the types of weddings (venues, locations) you are seeing being displayed on there wedding site. If you see châteaux and castles and the guy is from NY, you may assume (although i hate doing that) that he is shooting and pricing above your average guy. Although, a guy who has a India weddings portfolio may charge also 15K just because its 600 people attending and the bride/groom usually orders many books for the family. I think the answer is the types of weddings the photographer is shooting vs. the quality of the images.


just like mine :)



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I think the answer to your question is really, really subjective. People have all sorts of different tastes and one persons high end is another persons allowance. You know what I mean?


I also think that as photographers we look at other's websites in a different light than our prospective clients. Htere are several 'high end' photographers who's websites I don't care for, but it doesn't matter what I think.


It's all about the brides, baby. :)

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this guy is amazing - you have to like shadow and he calls himself the "master of shadows" but he is wonderful in his ablity to make these incrediable photos...


and if a bride ask him how much he charges right out the box he won't shoot the wedding - high end very very high end


www.jessicaclair.com - she is really great and at 25K starting she should be...


those are tow of my favorites...

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Checkout <A HREF="http://jasmine-star.com">www.jasmine-star.com</A> <br>

Checkout <A HREF="http://andreasphoto.ca/">www.andreasphoto.ca/</A> <br><br>


The main thing about any high-end wedding photographer is that they will NEVER have a template website b/c template

websites commoditize people and make them look the same as everyone else. There are many photographers sponsored by template

companies but they don't even use those companies templates so if you want your clients to justify giving you the big dollars you're going

to have to show them how you're different than everyone else and a template will just make you look more the same.


Rock on!<br>


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As David mentioned, template based services such as Bludomain, and to a lesser extent, Livebooks, will have a similar look. When you


lots of people in one market using the same service, the similarity becomes very obvious, even to a less-than savvy consumer, and helps


contribute to a sense of sameness among you and the competition. Why pay you 3x the amount if your presentation looks just like the


person? One of the main reasons that I went with Livebooks (still a template, yes, but with lots of options) was that no one in my market

was using them 2 years

ago when I bought my site. Now, I know of only one other local photographer who is, while at least 15ish or more of my local, direct

competitors are using Bludomain. Livebooks costing at least 4x of what Bludomain costs is a big part of this, and I was willing to pay a bit

more to not have a clone site. That said, in the world of webdesign, even the cost of Livebooks is small change. The site I recommended

before, www.sofake.com, is rumored to charge upwards of $50,000 for a custom site. This fellow's site was done by sofake, and it's pretty

amazing: http://www.matthewmahon.com/

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