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Another newbie question

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The only way to leave an anonymous (which is what I believe you mean by "private") rating on an image is to

encounter that image in the anonymous ratings queue. At the top of this page, Sharing -> Rate Photos.


Because so many are added every hour, they don't linger there for long in a way that lets you see a given one.

Newest ones at the top, older ones falling off the bottom.


Any mechanism you use to directly seek out an image will leave you rating it in a publicly traceable way. Not that

that's a bad thing, of course, though some people do indeed react very badly to anything other than the warm and

fuzzy accolades of the self esteem movement. Badly enough to make a new hobby out of negatively rating everything

of yours they can find, forever. It's astounding, but it's true.


You can mitigate the backlash from an honest and well-deserved lower rating by leaving a constructive or at least

explanatory comment. That seems to help take the steam out of some of the more shrill responses. Generally, you

just need to have your radar on, and have fairly thick skin if you're going to be honest with people. As a truly average

guy myself, I'm always amazed at how other truly average people can't get their heads around what the

word "average" actually means. Tread carefully, Christopher, but don't coddle, either. At some point even those

fragile egos will come to grips with the larger picture (one hopes!).


Your bugs, by the way, are great.

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