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Saving RAW into jpeg

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So here's what I did....


I shot in raw.

I made some edits in Lightroom.

I opened it in Photoshop CS3 and made more edits.

I tried to save it using Batch Converter into jpeg format.

The saved picture was the origianl photo+Lightroom edits, but not the Photoshop edits.


Any ideas how to incorporate both edits and save a copy? I have found if I copy and paste into a new document it

saves with the new edits, but I have a whole slew of photos and that will take forever. FYI the format is ( jpeg# -

Edit.tiff )

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Did you do the post processing ( Lr = processing, photoshop = post processing) manipulations in 8 or 16 bit per channel mode? JPEGs are strictly 8 bpc.


Did you do the post processing ( Lr = processing, photoshop = post processing) manipulations as layers? If so you'll need to flatten the layers before savign as a JPEG.


Did you possibly save the post processed photos in a different location than where you thought you saved them?


What did your "save as" process look like?

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1) Open the catalog with the RAW image in Lightroom (I convert everything to DNG on import).

2) Select the image.

3) Perform your Lightroom edits.

4) Right-click and scroll to > Edit In . . > Edit in Photoshop CS3.

5) Perform your CS3 edits and "save".

6) Original DNG shows up in Lightroom as a virtual copy with both Lightroom and Photoshop edits.

7) Export the new virtual copy as a JPEG.


You can also perform additional edits on the virtual copy in Lightroom after your Photoshop work.

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