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Shutter problem?


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am I correct in assuming that the vertical stripe on the attached photo is due to a shutter problem? It appears

only on one frame of the roll, which was exposed with my AE-1.

Also it doesn't seem to extend towards the eges of the film.


Thank you

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It looks a bit like a light leak to me. Check the light seals on either side of the hinge of the film door.


It could be that this frame just happened to be on the takeup spool adjacent to the hinge for longer than the others.


For all you need to know about light seals go to http://www.kyphoto.com/classics/sealreplacement.html


Jon Goodman sells excellent DIY light seal kits on eBay under the name interslice.



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I agree that this looks to be a light leak or processing problem, not a shutter problem. When using my FTb and its QL (quick loading) feature, it was my habit to squeeze two extra exposures from each roll of film. Sometimes, however, the first exposure on the roll had the telltale red line indicating a light leak. I suspect that this was due to light leaking into the film cartridge when changing film in bright conditions. Jiri, is the vertical stripe appearing only on the first exposure?
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Thank you for all the responses so far.


The stripe doesn't appear on the first exposure nor is it on a frame that would sit long adjacent to the hinge. I took several more frames shortly afterwards. So it doesn't look like a light leak to me. OTOH - today I went to the Canon service and they said the shutter is working fine. I left the camera there for CLA just to be sure but even the servicemen could not tell me exact cause of the problem.



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