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So....I'm a dork...

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For me it's usually forgetting to turn on the camera, forget to remove the lens cap and wonder why it's saying

it's to dark, forgetting to turn on the flash. Years ago I bought a Bronica GS 2 1/4 camera, was way over my

budget but I was grinning from ear to ear for 6 months. First time I took it out I shot 4 rolls of 120 PAN X

film and took it to the lab for processing, only to get back 4 rolls of black prints. I had wound the film with

the paper backing towards the shutter! There's just took much to list hear.

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Thanks guys and gals for making me feel so much fetter for the many mistakes that I make. THe nice thing about screwing up is that you rarely make the same mistake twice. Like checking your ISO after a night of shooting. I didnt get much results shooting at 1600 ISO during a lunchtime trip in Grenada.
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Sally Mack--Congratulations. It's called "redscale" and is a subcategory of lo-fi photography. Usually, one has to cut

a roll of film at the end and then rewind it upside down in total darkness to prepare. Next time, shoot into the light

and overexpose by four stops.<P>While I'm here, I might as well mention a recent balls-up that found me crawling

around in the Tokyo nightime heat getting eaten by mosquitos to get some underpass shots with an SL66. It was

only the next day that I discovered there was no film in the camera.<P>

<center><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/japanscape/2385523424/" title="Redscale #2 by AsiaAttic, on

Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3170/2385523424_1472176ba8.jpg" width="333" height="500"

alt="Redscale #2" /></a></center>

<center>Intentional redscale</center>

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