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Im new here and could use some help

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Submit your images for critique (see the admin options for an image you've uploaded to your gallery here). It's best to do the submitting for critique the same day that you add the image to your portfolio.


That will put the image in the ratings/critique queue, and depending on how many thousands of other images show up that day, or how eye-catching your image is, you should get some ratings and feedback.


The best thing you can do is spend time critiquing the work of other users. If you critique at least ten other images for each one you post yourself, you'll usually get some people to stop by and look at your work, and comment.

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All critique requests go into the same queue. If you go the top of your screen and look under the "sharing" menu, you'll see a link to the critique forum. All new critique requests land there, with the most recent ones at the top. Hundreds are added every day, so no one addition is likely to stay there, visibly for long. You will also see a newly submitted image in the ratings queue (unless you checked the "for critique only" box when you requested the critique). You'll see the ratings queue under the same "Sharing" menu ... "Rate Photos". Again, people will only see it and rate it for a little while, before it's quickly pushed to the back of the line by newer submissions.


If your image happens to be highly rated, it will appear in the top rated photos area. You can find images there by various search methods, including data range. The dates involved are based on when you added the image to your portfolio, NOT the date when you requested the critique.

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