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Has anyone used the Sigma 15-30mm EX on a cropped-body EOS DSLR?


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I am so frustrated that Canon won't/can't/may not unveil a standard zoom that goes to 15mm (equivalent of 24mm if

film or FF terms), they really need to fill that hole as many of their competitors have lenses that give us an

84-degree angle of view - Nikon's excellent 16-85mm VR is a good example.


Until such a day arrives, for APS-C users, is the Sigma 15-30mm EX a decent alternative? I know this isn't a big

zoom range (24-48mm in film terms) but it would be a very useful range. In fact, I could even use this lens for

weddings, I have the EF 70-200mm f/4 L for telephoto needs. For most of my shooting, the gap between 30mm and

70mm is no big deal.


I could even use it on my old A2 film bodies. BTW, I also have the EF 24-85mm USM zoom.


Has anyone successfully used this Sigma zoom? Thoughts?

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I`ve used the Sigma 15 30 for many years as it came out before the canon 17 40, actually this is the 4th one. Its used at events and our restaurant pic biz, with the tight areas and close shooting people it has far less distortion than the ef17 40 and 16 35 version 1. it focusses well in low light and is a very sharp lens. there is only a filter thread on the aux round hood 82mm, thia hood is essential when the lens is on a crop body.


I`ve don`t like it for daylight work as it is very prone to flare, this is why the round hood needed for crop bodies, on FF film and digital the round hood vignettes, the lens loses contrast without the hood, a standard petal hood is on it but fixed, problably to protect the large front element,, and it does not like the sun anywheres in front in our experience. A major fraw with the lens is the internal flex board, the screws that hold it vibrates loose this in turn can either damage the chip or the diaphram unit leavin it wide open. I have had it happen 3 times under heavy use but have enjoyed the focal length. The lens has been replaced virtually (but still around new)by the 12 24 which I believe does not suffer as much flare. I don`t use it as much now as its a backup for Tamron 17 50 2.8 which is smaller, lighter and focusses quicker, but not as sharp (trade of with most things). When the new 5D arrives I`ll sell the 15 30 for the new 16 35 for it`s better long lasting qualities.


I would suggest a serious look at the efs 10 22, or if wanting for FF the 12 24 of sigma and there is another I think fits both FF & crop.


HTH :)

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Thanks for all your answers. Bob, the lens in question that is not shown on B&H's Website is the Sigma 15-30mm. I think the EF-S 10-22mm makes more sense, I may be starting a small side business where I will be shooting people's personal belongings for cataloging - this would be the ideal optic.
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