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Buttons not responding, etc.


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Sorry if this has been asked, I couldn't find it with the words I could think of searching with... which probably

weren't the most accurate for a search.


Anyway, my EOS-300D has started having problems. Specifically, the camera can no longer change shooting mode

(stuck in A. Priority, luckily what I most use), won't respond to the button that changes self-timer and rapid

mode and won't zoom in or out in preview. The menu button, arrows/WB, on/off switch, thing I hold to set exposure

compensation and exposure dial are all fine. Any ideas? My first thought was that reinstalling firmware would

help, but from what I can tell that's not actually possible. I don't know of anything that has happened to do

this, and I'd rather not open it up until I get other opinions.

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I would try what Bob suggests, Then I would change the firmware to one of the 300D hacks. Search for wasia or undutchables. Either one will work, and improve the camera over the original firmware.


If that does not change things you probably have a problem with corrosion. The 300D would hardly be considered worth such a repair unless you are adventuresome enough to try it yourself.

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