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Selling my images online. Ebay store, etc.

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Has anyone had any luck selling photos online? I have tried for years to sell photos online first via my web site and

now with an Ebay store without much luck. My web site gets pretty decent traffic too. Not as much as it did when I

actively promoted it, but still significant, but not many sales. I cancelled my merchant account and payment

gateway service recently because I was rarely selling any photos. I recently setup an ebay store and have had a

little more luck, but I barely make a profit with all the fees and the fact that my prices are pretty low(I don't want to

charge too much and scare away potential buyers). Any suggestions to selling more photos online?


Any info on selling to photobuyers and stock photography?



Rick Baker

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hi rich,

i think your brand of photography would appeal to the ebay buyers, however, do bear in mind that the market is in recession now. people simply don't have the money to spend on nonessentials. those who have the money are likely to go for much higher value pictures from well known photographers. i personally think that you would only make money on ebay when there is a financial boom.

if you want to keep the ebay store going what i suggest is that you try to build up a personal rapport with each customer and offer them extra discount for buying directly from your website etc. this way you are not lining the pockets of the greedy ebay corporation.

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Thanks for replying. I understand that people don't have much disposable income during a recession, so I understand you point and thanks for your advice. I plan to keep the Ebay store up for at least 6 months and see how it goes. I'm retired and I mainly do photography for fun, but it would be nice to make some more income from it.
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