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Replacement for E900

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I need advice. I lost my beloved E900 at a festival a couple of weeks ago. I have a D80 but found the E900

superb as a carry everywhere camera. I liked the quality, the pop up flash (so I didn't have to change flash

mode for non-flash photos), the speed, the size, price, low light capability and loads more.


I have been looking for a replacement that is comparable but also cheap (less than £125) but nothing seems to

live up to it. Are there any alternatives to buying a new old E900?


I have no use for long lenses etc. but might be interested in anti shake and better low light capability.


Any suggestions?


Many thanks,



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If you can pay a bit more or find a good deal, check out a Canon (old) G6. It replaceed my E900 and I am happy with

it. Love the fuji E900 but the plus side of a G6 is flip LCD, f2 lens, faster with RAW and share batteries+flash

card+speedlight (TTL) with my other Canon gears. Noise is about the same consider Canon's ISO 400 is really

closer than 800. Longer zoom and a tad bit better with macro.

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