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Wildflowers in Mt. Rainier NP


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I've been working on a Mt. Rainier NP <a href="http://www.wsrphoto.com/mtstart.html">Photo Guide</a> and developed the first draft of a

<a href="http://www.wsrphoto.com/mtflowers.html">Wildflowers</a> Web page with a <a

href="http://www.wsrphoto.com/mtflowersmap.html">map of meadows</a>. I don't focus my photography on flowers, so ya'll can help by

sending me your comments, suggestions and questions to improve the Web pages.


The snowpack has finally melted in all the wildflower areas and meadows, so the opportunities are there.

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I noticed on the Map page the list of files are in MS Word format. You might consider changing the file format to a .rtf file. All Windows machines have an Rich Text Format program(Write), not sure about Macs. To make them even more accessable and assuming you don't want to make the docs individual web pages, a .pdf would assure everyone access.


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Good idea. Those aren't my files, I only link to them. But you're right I'll download and convert them to PDF's, and then

serve them from my Website. Leopard's both iPages and TextEdit will read .doc files now, with iPages you just import them

and with TextEdit you just open them, which I thought wouldn't hurt serving them from the owner's server.


Thanks. I also wanted to know if I missed anything photographers need or want to know if visiting Mt. Rainier NP for

wildflowers and meadows. All the different information Web pages are the initial ones which will be updated as I find new

information to add and upgraded as I find new ways to present the information.

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