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Dirty or Natural picture?

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Hello everybody.


I like to go around and get birds and animals picture and than post everything into my blog. So last day I have

created a new gallery of birds and animal living close to a pond near my work place:




Into that gallery there are just average pics of birds and pony. From that gallery I have removed one pics of two pony

that are having … fun (open this link only if you don’t mind animals having fun)




Now, the thing is, I removed that pic just because I have receive many mail (I really didn’t know that there was many

people looking at my pics) stating that that pic is “dirty” and doesn’t have nothing to do with the others present into

the gallery.

Now, for me that pic is not dirty, it’s just very natural. I just think that a pic (a nature pic) become dirty only when

who look at it think that is dirty.


What do you think about that, Will you remove that pic from one of your gallery if people ask you do that?


Thanks for your answer


Giorgio Guglielmino

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Georgio, there is NOTHING wrong with that picture. It is two animals mating perfectly naturally, and is the sort of thing that is shown every day on the many nature channels on TV. If people think that's dirty then there's something wrong with them. Keep the picture.
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You should keep the picture in,and I would e mail back and explain why you think it should stay.Im not sure what goes on in the minds of people who think this is somehow wrong.I think they are unbalanced to be honest.I would ask them to explain what dirty means.?

Its just ridiculous.

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In many of the African wildlife books you will often see photos of lions, giraffes, elephants, rhinos, and other indigenous creatures procreating. That's the way it is over there. I have never seen warnings in literature promoting safaris that there just might be something offensive. Honi soit que mal e pence!
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You also have to understand that an important part of the feedback that you are not getting is how many people

viewing this picture do not have a problem with it. If you had that information you just might find out that the people

from whom you are receiving the "please remove this picture" emails, are actually just a noisey minority.



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