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Educational P&S book for Canon cameras

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The user manual that came with the camera?


If, instead, you're looking for an introductory book on photography, there's very little reason it would need to

be brand-specific. There are some differences between a 35mm camera and a digital point and shoot (depth of

field being one important one) but otherwise, the fundamentals are the same.

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I don't know what to say, I thought someone might have personal experience with a specific book on Canon P&S cameras. This is to be a birthday gift to her and since she has never owned a camera I an sure she is going to need more guidance than I poses, not to mention she lives about 1200 miles from my home.

I know she wants it because I bought a Canon A720IS for myself and she went bananas about it, so I got her the camera but need a book that relates somewhat to it and photography since it is both automatic and manual modes. This will give her a lot better start than I had and make things easier for her. If it's easier I feel she will be a lot more interested in going forward and learning and not becoming frustrated.

The Dennis Curtain books look interesting but I feel are more aligned with digital photography period. I feel something would be better if it related to the type of camera she will be using.


The Canon book just covers to many models, the reviews seemed to state this rather clearly.


I don't know what to do at this pint.


What do you guys think?

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R Jackson, I'm going to go with you on this one. She is a very bright girl and should be able to get most of her needs from the manuals. If she starts coming up short as the saying go's I'll get her an advanced book at that stage.

Thanks to you and the others for taking the time to assist me.

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